Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
no reason provided | 2023-03-07 19:04 | 2025-03-30 17:48 |
edgelords, poor “free speech” moderation | 2023-03-07 19:05 | 2025-03-30 17:48 |
Fascists on instance and no one doing anything about. Comments praising Nazi Germany's ideas, Eugenics etc. | 2023-03-07 19:05 | 2025-03-30 17:49 |
Contenu inapproprié | 2023-03-07 19:08 | 2025-03-30 17:49 |
pedophilia & pedo emojis | 2023-03-07 19:08 | 2023-06-12 16:50 |
2023-03-07 19:08 | 2023-03-21 11:43 | |
Spam | 2023-03-07 19:09 | 2025-03-30 17:50 |
4chan qanon stuff | 2023-03-07 19:09 | 2025-03-30 17:50 |
Pedo shit | 2023-03-07 19:15 | 2023-08-27 10:52 |
Racist | 2023-03-07 19:15 | 2023-10-10 10:52 |
Free speech absolutists (racism) | 2023-03-07 19:15 | 2025-03-30 17:51 |
2023-03-07 19:16 | 2023-05-31 14:53 | |
Hate | 2023-03-07 19:17 | 2025-03-30 17:53 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:17 | 2025-03-30 17:53 |
free speech zone, nazi imagery | 2023-03-07 19:17 | 2025-03-30 17:53 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2025-01-04 19:54 |
fediblock | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2023-03-15 11:47 |
| domain squatting? | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2025-03-30 17:55 |
Bad actors | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2024-07-12 23:55 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2025-03-30 17:55 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:19 | 2025-03-30 17:55 |
2023-03-07 19:20 | 2024-02-17 00:04 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:20 | 2025-03-30 17:57 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-07 19:20 | 2025-03-30 17:57 |
hate speech | 2023-03-07 19:22 | 2025-03-30 17:57 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 19:22 | 2025-03-30 17:58 |
2023-03-07 19:22 | 2023-07-05 13:12 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:22 | 2025-03-30 17:58 |
transphobic | 2023-03-07 19:23 | 2025-03-30 17:59 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:24 | 2024-11-12 19:01 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:24 | 2023-08-25 01:31 |
Harassment, slurs, fascism, etc. | 2023-03-07 19:24 | 2025-03-30 18:00 |
content | 2023-03-07 19:25 | 2025-03-30 18:00 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:25 | 2025-03-30 18:01 |
2023-03-07 19:25 | 2025-03-30 18:01 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 19:25 | 2025-03-30 18:01 |
2023-03-07 19:25 | 2023-04-04 12:00 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:26 | 2025-01-18 21:02 |
2023-03-07 19:26 | 2025-03-30 18:02 | |
Rejects deletes, Followbot | 2023-03-07 19:26 | 2025-03-30 18:02 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:27 | 2024-05-27 17:03 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:27 | 2025-03-30 18:03 |
2023-03-07 19:29 | 2023-09-03 06:06 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:29 | 2025-03-30 18:03 |
2023-03-07 19:30 | 2023-08-14 13:06 | |
2023-03-07 19:31 | 2023-04-24 19:05 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 19:31 | 2025-03-30 18:05 |
2 | 2023-03-07 19:31 | 2023-05-11 20:06 |
Serveur d'extrême droite / Néonazi | 2023-03-07 19:32 | 2025-03-30 18:05 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:32 | 2025-03-30 18:05 |
2023-03-07 19:32 | 2025-03-30 18:06 | |
2023-03-07 19:33 | 2024-11-03 21:11 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:33 | 2025-03-30 18:07 |
2023-03-07 19:33 | 2025-03-30 18:07 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:33 | 2023-07-06 19:30 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:34 | 2023-10-04 07:24 |
Hassrede, Rassismus | 2023-03-07 19:36 | 2025-03-30 18:09 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-07 19:36 | 2023-03-15 12:01 |
Moderation / safety concerns. | 2023-03-07 19:36 | 2025-03-30 18:09 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:37 | 2023-06-05 10:15 |
lolicon, toxicity | 2023-03-07 19:38 | 2023-08-27 11:17 |
Racists, anti-LGBTQ, generally unpleasant | 2023-03-07 19:38 | 2025-03-30 18:11 |
Freeze Peach, follow bots | 2023-03-07 19:38 | 2024-08-16 15:11 |
2023-03-07 19:39 | 2023-05-16 05:12 | |
2023-03-07 19:40 | 2025-03-30 18:13 | |
freeze peach instance. | 2023-03-07 19:40 | 2025-03-30 18:13 |
harassment | 2023-03-07 19:40 | 2025-03-30 18:13 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 19:41 | 2025-03-30 18:14 |
Faschismus | 2023-03-07 19:41 | 2024-01-17 13:17 |
concurring with an independent assessment (“they look like the most blockable MFs on earth”) | 2023-03-07 19:42 | 2025-03-30 18:15 |
n/a | 2023-03-07 19:42 | 2025-03-30 18:15 |
nazi csa | 2023-03-07 19:42 | 2023-10-22 22:15 |
inappropriate content (according to | 2023-03-07 19:42 | 2023-09-10 20:20 |
Overview of the public timeline revealed a lot of hateful content and troll-like behavior. | 2023-03-07 19:43 | 2025-03-14 13:16 |
Inappropriate Content | 2023-03-07 19:43 | 2025-03-30 18:16 |
top100 | 2023-03-07 19:44 | 2024-10-20 08:18 |
Nazisme | 2023-03-07 19:44 | 2025-03-30 18:16 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:45 | 2025-03-30 18:17 |
2023-03-07 19:46 | 2025-03-30 18:17 | |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. (via | 2023-03-07 19:47 | 2025-03-30 18:18 |
| | 2023-03-07 19:47 | 2025-03-30 18:18 |
2023-03-07 19:49 | 2023-03-30 02:52 | |
None | 2023-03-07 19:49 | 2023-08-25 19:32 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:51 | 2024-02-14 20:21 |
Racism, general haressment | 2023-03-07 19:51 | 2025-03-30 18:21 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:51 | 2024-07-06 07:18 |
2023-03-07 19:51 | 2025-03-30 13:22 | |
Abuse received by this instance towards other Fediverse servers | 2023-03-07 19:52 | 2025-03-30 18:22 |
2023-03-07 19:52 | 2023-06-18 02:27 | |
trollsite | 2023-03-07 19:52 | 2024-03-25 08:33 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:53 | 2023-04-26 17:24 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:54 | 2025-03-30 18:23 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:55 | 2025-03-30 18:24 |
2023-03-07 19:55 | 2024-01-03 00:27 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 19:56 | 2024-07-30 12:27 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:56 | 2025-03-30 18:26 |
해당 서버는 “차별하지 마세요”, “괴롭히지 마세요”, “귀찮게 굴지 마세요” 규칙을 어겼기 때문에 정지되었습니다. | 2023-03-07 19:57 | 2025-03-30 18:26 |
Lack of moderation, trolling, homophobia | 2023-03-07 19:57 | 2023-10-23 17:29 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:57 | 2025-03-30 18:26 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:57 | 2025-03-30 18:27 |
2023-03-07 19:58 | 2024-01-10 15:41 | |
Hassrede, Rassismus | 2023-03-07 19:58 | 2025-03-30 18:27 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:58 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
SPAM | 2023-03-07 19:59 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone"² | 2023-03-07 19:59 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
Transphobia / Bigotry | 2023-03-07 19:59 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
racist sexist shitty admins | 2023-03-07 20:00 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
Inappropriate Content | 2023-03-07 20:00 | 2025-03-30 18:29 |
Hate Speech | 2023-03-07 20:01 | 2025-03-30 18:29 |
Lack of moderation, trolling, homophobia | 2023-03-07 20:01 | 2023-10-23 17:32 |
Psychophobie, etc | 2023-03-07 20:01 | 2025-03-30 18:29 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:01 | 2025-03-25 11:30 |
2023-03-07 20:02 | 2025-03-30 18:31 | |
fash-adjacent | 2023-03-07 20:03 | 2023-06-12 17:38 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:03 | 2025-03-30 18:31 |
Trolls | 2023-03-07 20:03 | 2025-03-30 18:32 |
hate speech | 2023-03-07 20:03 | 2023-03-13 12:22 |
2023-03-07 20:04 | 2023-10-31 18:48 | |
Lack of moderation, toxic userbase | 2023-03-07 20:04 | 2025-03-30 18:32 |
User Proxying Follows | 2023-03-07 20:04 | 2024-11-21 02:38 |
top100 | 2023-03-07 20:04 | 2024-02-08 22:38 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:04 | 2023-10-31 18:49 |
edgelords | 2023-03-07 20:05 | 2024-08-06 15:35 |
Bad bot etiquette | 2023-03-07 20:05 | 2023-05-01 11:35 |
Finally found the bad actors. I’ve seen reasonable stuff come from them, so I assumed many instances blocked them on basis of name alone. I have now disproved that. Part of the above transphobic dogpiligng. | 2023-03-07 20:06 | 2024-01-27 08:42 |
2023-03-07 20:06 | 2025-03-30 18:35 | |
None | 2023-03-07 20:07 | 2025-03-30 18:35 |
4chan qanon stuff; Inappropriate content; Many posts which breach our rules. No moderation against them.; Nazisme, transphobie | 2023-03-07 20:07 | 2025-03-30 18:36 |
SPAM | 2023-03-07 20:08 | 2024-09-08 03:39 |
Admin pins loli hentai and anti-LGBTQ+ dogwhistles | 2023-03-07 20:09 | 2025-03-30 18:37 |
migrated from | 2023-03-07 20:09 | 2025-03-30 18:37 |
many transphobes 💜 | 2023-03-07 20:10 | 2023-04-04 12:39 |
"free speech" shit posters | 2023-03-07 20:10 | 2025-03-30 18:39 |
NSFW | 2023-03-07 20:10 | 2025-03-30 18:39 |
Fascist garbage | 2023-03-07 20:10 | 2025-03-30 18:39 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:10 | 2025-03-30 18:39 |
alt fedi | 2023-03-07 20:11 | 2023-09-19 07:44 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:13 | 2025-03-30 18:40 |
free speech instance, racism | 2023-03-07 20:14 | 2025-03-30 18:40 |
transphobia | 2023-03-07 20:14 | 2023-08-22 01:11 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:14 | 2025-03-30 18:41 |
Contido xenófobo e de extrema dereita | 2023-03-07 20:14 | 2025-03-30 18:41 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:14 | 2025-03-30 18:41 |
2023-03-07 20:15 | 2025-03-30 18:42 | |
racism | 2023-03-07 20:15 | 2023-09-12 12:57 |
2023-03-07 20:16 | 2025-03-30 18:43 | |
Bigotry, Harassment, Racism | 2023-03-07 20:17 | 2024-08-11 15:46 |
Nazi scum, transphobia | 2023-03-07 20:17 | 2025-03-30 18:43 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:17 | 2023-04-07 11:48 |
2023-03-07 20:18 | 2024-02-13 03:44 | |
Antisemitism | 2023-03-07 20:18 | 2025-03-30 18:44 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:18 | 2024-05-14 07:53 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:19 | 2025-03-30 18:45 |
2023-03-07 20:20 | 2023-09-20 19:54 | |
2023-03-07 20:20 | 2025-03-30 18:45 | |
h* posts | 2023-03-07 20:20 | 2025-03-30 18:46 |
2023-03-07 20:21 | 2025-03-30 18:47 | |
the usual, freeze peach. | 2023-03-07 20:22 | 2023-09-24 07:04 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:22 | 2024-10-29 08:54 |
2023-03-07 20:22 | 2025-03-30 18:48 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:23 | 2025-03-30 18:49 |
free speech from USA | 2023-03-07 20:24 | 2025-03-30 18:49 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:24 | 2023-07-24 08:57 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:24 | 2023-06-16 17:52 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:24 | 2023-07-05 14:57 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:24 | 2023-03-30 03:24 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-07 20:24 | 2023-11-16 02:47 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-07 20:25 | 2023-04-16 02:52 |
racism, sexism, and general assholishness | 2023-03-07 20:25 | 2025-03-30 18:51 |
fashism, harassment 2022-11-12 | 2023-03-07 20:26 | 2023-06-12 18:05 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:27 | 2025-03-30 18:52 |
4chan qanon stuff | 2023-03-07 20:27 | 2023-03-30 03:27 |
Self proclaimed Nazi users | 2023-03-07 20:27 | 2024-03-21 21:11 |
Rasist propaganda, procapitalist manipulation. | 2023-03-07 20:28 | 2025-03-30 18:53 |
FediDefense | 2023-03-07 20:28 | 2025-03-30 18:53 |
doesnt enforce its rules(have seen slurs and shit) | 2023-03-07 20:29 | 2023-11-13 17:39 |
2023-03-07 20:29 | 2025-03-30 18:54 | |
freeze peach | 2023-03-07 20:30 | 2025-03-30 18:54 |
2023-03-07 20:30 | 2024-01-21 23:10 | |
Nazi den | 2023-03-07 20:30 | 2023-08-11 18:12 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:30 | 2025-03-30 18:54 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:30 | 2025-03-30 18:55 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:31 | 2025-03-30 18:55 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:31 | 2025-03-30 18:55 |
2023-03-07 20:31 | 2025-03-30 18:56 | |
| | 2023-03-07 20:32 | 2023-05-04 04:58 |
Incompatible Code of Conduct, harassment | 2023-03-07 20:32 | 2025-03-30 18:56 |
racism | 2023-03-07 20:33 | 2023-09-10 01:19 |
Transphobia | 2023-03-07 20:33 | 2025-03-30 18:58 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:34 | 2025-03-30 18:58 |
unmoderated racism | 2023-03-07 20:34 | 2024-03-07 08:18 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:35 | 2025-03-30 18:59 |
One of our users got a follow from a strange account, when I went to the domain it seems as if they do not have their SSL certificate installed correclty. | 2023-03-07 20:35 | 2023-04-13 09:02 |
transphobia / queerphobia | 2023-03-07 20:35 | 2025-03-30 19:00 |
2023-03-07 20:36 | 2023-03-21 12:52 | |
None | 2023-03-07 20:36 | 2025-03-30 19:01 |
Shitty people | 2023-03-07 20:38 | 2025-03-30 19:02 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:38 | 2025-03-30 19:03 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:39 | 2025-03-30 19:03 |
manual block, Seirdy's FediNuke as of 2024-03-31 | 2023-03-07 20:39 | 2025-03-30 19:03 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:39 | 2025-03-30 19:04 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:40 | 2024-07-31 09:12 |
2023-03-07 20:40 | 2025-03-30 19:05 | |
None | 2023-03-07 20:40 | 2025-03-30 19:05 |
2023-03-07 20:40 | 2024-02-13 04:09 | |
None | 2023-03-07 20:41 | 2023-09-22 05:16 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:41 | 2023-06-12 18:23 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:41 | 2025-03-30 19:05 |
truly rancid vibes, and that's without even getting into who they federate with | 2023-03-07 20:41 | 2025-03-30 19:06 |
"free speech" instance...terms seem reasonable but one of the moderators has a swastika in their profile name sooo... | 2023-03-07 20:43 | 2024-01-03 23:21 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2024-04-27 06:16 |
Nazi shit | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2023-05-01 12:10 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2025-03-30 19:07 |
chaossocial-import | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2025-03-30 19:07 |
rules enable transphobia | 2023-03-07 20:45 | 2023-07-10 11:11 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:46 | 2023-09-28 11:30 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:48 | 2025-03-30 19:10 |
Spamming, illegale Inhalte | 2023-03-07 20:48 | 2025-03-30 19:11 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:48 | 2025-03-30 19:11 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:48 | 2025-03-30 19:11 |
Freeze peach. | 2023-03-07 20:49 | 2025-03-30 19:11 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:49 | 2025-03-30 19:12 |
2023-03-07 20:51 | 2025-03-30 19:13 | |
None | 2023-03-07 20:51 | 2024-11-07 06:41 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2023-03-07 20:54 | 2025-03-30 19:16 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:54 | 2025-03-30 19:16 |
DEATH SPIRAL FASCIST | 2023-03-07 20:55 | 2025-03-30 19:17 |
New instance of that we suspend as well. Free speech instance, violently transphobic users and references to Nazism. | 2023-03-07 20:58 | 2025-03-30 19:19 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:59 | 2023-10-25 09:32 |
identity hate | 2023-03-07 20:59 | 2025-03-30 19:19 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 20:59 | 2025-03-30 19:19 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:00 | 2023-08-10 08:30 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:01 | 2023-11-05 11:16 |
2023-03-07 21:01 | 2023-06-12 18:42 | |
2023-03-07 21:02 | 2024-07-08 20:29 | |
2023-03-07 21:02 | 2024-01-07 15:21 | |
Weird bots | 2023-03-07 21:02 | 2025-03-30 19:21 |
2023-03-07 21:02 | 2024-02-13 04:26 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:03 | 2024-02-25 14:59 |
Free speech** | 2023-03-07 21:03 | 2025-03-30 19:21 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:04 | 2023-04-13 09:24 |
2023-03-07 21:04 | 2024-03-17 11:44 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:04 | 2023-12-19 03:24 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:04 | 2025-03-30 19:23 |
Contenido inapropiado | 2023-03-07 21:05 | 2025-03-30 19:23 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:05 | 2025-03-30 19:23 |
Racism | 2023-03-07 21:05 | 2025-03-30 19:23 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:05 | 2024-07-20 13:25 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:06 | 2024-11-29 02:28 |
2023-03-07 21:06 | 2023-03-21 13:13 | |
Hate speech, Harassment | 2023-03-07 21:08 | 2023-04-16 03:27 |
fash, pedos | 2023-03-07 21:08 | 2023-05-31 16:36 |
Hate Speech | 2023-03-07 21:08 | 2025-03-30 19:25 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:09 | 2025-03-10 13:23 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:09 | 2024-11-20 10:33 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment | 2023-03-07 21:09 | 2023-08-11 01:43 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:09 | 2025-03-30 19:27 |
Harassment instance | 2023-03-07 21:10 | 2025-03-30 19:28 |
No meaningful moderation happens here, including allowing nazi symbols as avatars. | 2023-03-07 21:10 | 2025-03-30 19:28 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:10 | 2025-03-30 19:28 |
2023-03-07 21:10 | 2025-03-30 19:28 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:10 | 2025-03-30 19:28 |
neckbeard | 2023-03-07 21:10 | 2025-03-30 19:29 |
[정지] 헤이트 스피치 | 2023-03-07 21:11 | 2025-03-30 19:29 |
2023-03-07 21:11 | 2024-01-03 23:48 | |
2023-03-07 21:11 | 2025-03-30 19:29 | |
2023-03-07 21:13 | 2024-06-28 20:35 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:13 | 2023-07-03 02:51 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:14 | 2025-03-30 19:31 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:14 | 2025-03-30 19:31 |
Inappropriate Content | 2023-03-07 21:15 | 2025-03-30 19:32 |
Antisemitism | 2023-03-07 21:16 | 2025-03-30 19:33 |
Edgy "free speech" instance, up for review of block | 2023-03-07 21:16 | 2024-12-06 05:42 |
2023-03-07 21:16 | 2023-07-17 08:42 | |
Inappropriate content [] | 2023-03-07 21:16 | 2025-03-30 19:33 |
2023-03-07 21:17 | 2025-03-30 19:33 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:19 | 2025-03-30 19:35 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:19 | 2025-03-30 19:35 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:19 | 2025-03-30 19:35 |
#1.1, #1.2, #1.3 | 2023-03-07 21:19 | 2023-04-13 09:38 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-07 21:20 | 2025-03-30 19:36 |
Hate & anti LGBTQI Content | 2023-03-07 21:20 | 2025-03-30 19:36 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:20 | 2023-04-13 09:39 |
followbot | 2023-03-07 21:21 | 2023-07-01 18:40 |
Illegal content | 2023-03-07 21:21 | 2025-03-30 19:37 |
chud hellhole | 2023-03-07 21:22 | 2025-03-30 19:38 |
| migrated to this domain | 2023-03-07 21:22 | 2025-03-30 19:38 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:22 | 2023-07-25 20:03 |
4channy bullshit, the usual | 2023-03-07 21:23 | 2025-03-30 19:39 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:23 | 2025-03-30 19:39 |
2023-03-07 21:23 | 2023-10-04 09:30 | |
2023-03-07 21:24 | 2024-03-24 13:01 | |
Antisemitism | 2023-03-07 21:24 | 2025-03-30 19:41 |
2023-03-07 21:25 | 2023-07-07 09:22 | |
Locally illegal content; Untagged NSFW & "edgy" content | 2023-03-07 21:25 | 2025-03-30 19:41 |
LGBTIQAA+ phobic; racist; free speech | 2023-03-07 21:25 | 2023-08-10 08:57 |
channers | 2023-03-07 21:25 | 2025-03-30 19:42 |
requested defed | 2023-03-07 21:26 | 2024-02-19 14:29 |
transphobic admin | 2023-03-07 21:26 | 2025-03-30 19:42 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-07 21:26 | 2025-03-30 19:43 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:26 | 2025-01-01 03:47 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:27 | 2023-10-31 09:05 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:28 | 2025-03-30 19:44 |
transphobia | 2023-03-07 21:28 | 2023-05-08 13:56 |
nah | 2023-03-07 21:29 | 2025-03-30 19:45 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:29 | 2025-03-30 19:45 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-07 21:29 | 2023-05-08 13:57 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:29 | 2023-05-11 21:59 |
Found racism and questionable pornography | 2023-03-07 21:29 | 2025-03-30 19:45 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:29 | 2023-05-31 16:58 |
bigots | 2023-03-07 21:30 | 2023-07-15 21:22 |
Insufficient moderation. Rules claim to prohibit paedophilia/CSAM but such content is not being removed. | 2023-03-07 21:30 | 2025-03-30 19:47 |
2023-03-07 21:30 | 2024-10-22 16:02 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:30 | 2023-08-04 17:11 |
Cainnt-ghràin | 2023-03-07 21:31 | 2025-03-30 19:47 |
2023-03-07 21:31 | 2025-03-30 19:48 | |
2023-03-07 21:32 | 2023-05-31 17:01 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:32 | 2025-03-30 19:49 |
2023-03-07 21:33 | 2025-03-30 19:51 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-07 21:33 | 2023-05-27 21:07 |
Emojis illegal in Germany, racism | 2023-03-07 21:34 | 2025-03-30 19:51 |
-unbekannt- | 2023-03-07 21:34 | 2024-06-30 12:56 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:34 | 2025-03-30 19:52 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:35 | 2025-03-30 19:53 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:36 | 2025-03-30 19:54 |
2023-03-07 21:37 | 2023-03-21 13:41 | |
2023-03-07 21:38 | 2025-03-30 19:55 | |
2023-03-07 21:38 | 2023-03-28 13:54 | |
Nazisme, transphobie | 2023-03-07 21:38 | 2025-03-30 19:56 |
2023-03-07 21:38 | 2025-03-30 19:56 | |
Nutzt custom emojis mit NS-Symbolik | 2023-03-07 21:39 | 2025-03-30 19:57 |
Loli content, neo-nazis, racism, ableism, queerphobia, harassment | 2023-03-07 21:40 | 2024-04-05 08:34 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-07 21:40 | 2025-03-30 19:59 |
2023-03-07 21:40 | 2025-03-30 19:59 | |
2023-03-07 21:40 | 2023-05-08 14:10 | |
None | 2023-03-07 21:40 | 2023-11-16 22:19 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:40 | 2023-05-01 13:01 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:42 | 2023-05-16 07:05 |
2023-03-07 21:42 | 2025-01-09 15:06 | |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-07 21:42 | 2023-07-09 08:59 |
2023-03-07 21:42 | 2025-03-30 20:01 | |
Discriminación | 2023-03-07 21:43 | 2024-12-26 07:18 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:43 | 2023-03-30 04:38 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:44 | 2023-03-28 14:01 |
Imported from external Source | 2023-03-07 21:44 | 2023-07-30 04:28 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-07 21:45 | 2025-03-30 20:03 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:45 | 2025-03-30 20:03 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:45 | 2025-03-23 09:04 |
Misogynia, Trumpism, homophobia etc. | 2023-03-07 21:46 | 2025-03-30 20:04 |
edgelords | 2023-03-07 21:46 | 2023-09-17 04:42 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:47 | 2025-03-30 20:05 |
toxic userbase | 2023-03-07 21:47 | 2023-05-27 21:23 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:47 | 2023-08-05 10:28 |
Racist pieces of poop | 2023-03-07 21:47 | 2025-03-30 20:06 |
2023-03-07 21:48 | 2025-03-30 20:06 | |
loli and fascist content | 2023-03-07 21:49 | 2025-03-30 20:07 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:51 | 2023-06-12 19:43 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:55 | 2023-06-12 19:48 |
2023-03-07 21:56 | 2024-12-05 13:21 | |
Nazisme, transphobie | 2023-03-07 21:58 | 2023-05-05 07:31 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 22:06 | 2023-06-12 20:00 |
2023-03-07 22:07 | 2024-05-26 03:40 | |
None | 2023-03-07 22:07 | 2025-01-19 18:31 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 22:10 | 2023-08-25 22:27 |
2023-03-07 22:12 | 2023-03-15 14:14 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 22:12 | 2023-06-12 20:09 |
None | 2023-03-07 22:13 | 2024-01-01 11:46 |
Blocked for weird bot follows | 2023-03-07 22:13 | 2023-07-26 13:56 |
None | 2023-03-07 22:15 | 2025-03-30 20:32 |
Antisemitism | 2023-03-07 22:16 | 2023-11-17 15:29 |
2023-03-07 22:20 | 2025-03-30 20:37 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 22:23 | 2023-04-26 19:50 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-07 22:37 | 2024-12-02 01:02 |
None | 2023-03-07 22:38 | 2023-10-28 22:23 |
2023-03-07 22:45 | 2023-04-10 19:13 | |
#1.1, #1.2, #1.3 | 2023-03-07 22:47 | 2023-03-21 14:53 |
top100: harassment | 2023-03-07 22:47 | 2023-06-05 13:43 |
2023-03-07 22:52 | 2025-03-30 21:06 | |
None | 2023-03-07 22:58 | 2025-03-30 21:11 |
underage animated content | 2023-03-07 23:01 | 2023-11-16 05:11 |
hate speech | 2023-03-07 23:07 | 2023-06-18 05:56 |
fuck off | 2023-03-07 23:14 | 2025-03-30 21:27 |
2023-03-07 23:14 | 2024-11-16 11:43 | |
None | 2023-03-07 23:16 | 2023-10-03 14:46 |
2023-03-08 03:13 | 2023-08-08 21:35 | |
Racism | 2023-03-08 05:22 | 2025-03-30 19:18 |
nazi shit, lolicon | 2023-03-08 05:36 | 2025-03-30 19:34 |
Racism, harassment | 2023-03-08 05:45 | 2025-03-30 19:43 |
| : "4chan qanon stuff" | 2023-03-08 07:51 | 2025-03-30 21:38 |
2023-03-08 07:57 | 2023-12-22 02:08 | |
2023-03-08 07:58 | 2023-06-18 23:14 | |
2023-03-08 07:58 | 2023-07-02 12:43 | |
FediBlock | 2023-03-08 08:00 | 2025-02-17 14:59 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-08 08:03 | 2023-06-13 08:35 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:05 | 2023-07-07 11:39 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:07 | 2023-04-11 08:05 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:11 | 2023-11-02 14:06 |
2023-03-08 08:11 | 2023-11-17 00:21 | |
2023-03-08 08:15 | 2024-12-19 23:14 | |
extraordinarily fash | 2023-03-08 08:22 | 2024-03-31 22:05 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:26 | 2025-03-30 22:08 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:30 | 2023-07-03 23:03 |
2023-03-08 08:30 | 2024-07-01 11:49 | |
None | 2023-03-08 08:30 | 2025-03-30 22:12 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:32 | 2025-03-30 22:13 |
racist | 2023-03-08 08:33 | 2024-12-12 20:30 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:33 | 2023-08-09 02:02 |
unsafe instance | 2023-03-08 08:36 | 2023-03-08 22:50 |
literal nazis | 2023-03-08 08:40 | 2025-03-30 22:20 |
None | 2023-03-08 08:43 | 2025-03-30 22:23 |
2023-03-08 08:44 | 2025-03-30 22:24 | |
2023-03-08 08:44 | 2024-12-30 03:51 | |
Hassrede | 2023-03-08 08:44 | 2023-05-09 06:12 |
2023-03-08 08:47 | 2023-11-06 10:06 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-08 08:51 | 2024-12-04 05:50 |
| | 2023-03-08 08:51 | 2023-08-30 04:57 |
2023-03-08 08:52 | 2023-05-23 21:54 | |
2023-03-08 08:55 | 2025-03-30 22:33 | |
2023-03-08 13:31 | 2023-05-11 20:50 | |
Inakzeptable Inhalte. | 2023-03-08 21:37 | 2023-03-23 10:08 |
toxic nonsense | 2023-03-08 21:41 | 2025-03-30 22:38 |
2023-03-08 21:49 | 2024-02-11 15:36 | |
2023-03-08 22:01 | 2023-12-05 12:56 | |
2023-03-08 22:01 | 2025-03-30 22:55 | |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-08 22:02 | 2025-03-30 22:56 |
Hate speech, racial slurs, targeted harassment | 2023-03-08 22:09 | 2025-03-30 23:02 |
2023-03-08 22:11 | 2025-01-20 16:20 | |
2023-03-08 22:25 | 2025-03-30 23:17 | |
2023-03-08 22:36 | 2023-10-09 22:36 | |
None | 2023-03-08 22:37 | 2023-04-05 18:54 |
None | 2023-03-08 22:38 | 2025-03-30 23:31 |
2023-03-08 22:42 | 2025-03-30 23:35 | |
Free speech absolutists (racism) | 2023-03-08 22:45 | 2025-03-30 23:39 |
Administration team uses Nazi imagery and posts transphobic content. As an instance which "[supports] free speech", it tends to attract people from the far-right side of the political spectrum. | 2023-03-08 22:48 | 2025-03-30 23:41 |
2023-03-08 22:49 | 2024-08-30 11:17 | |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-08 22:52 | 2024-02-10 00:51 |
None | 2023-03-08 22:52 | 2025-03-30 23:45 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-08 22:57 | 2023-07-24 15:00 |
None | 2023-03-08 22:59 | 2024-12-18 15:11 |
None | 2023-03-08 23:03 | 2023-04-08 08:37 |
2023-03-08 23:05 | 2025-02-09 00:20 | |
imported | 2023-03-08 23:05 | 2025-03-30 23:55 |
None | 2023-03-08 23:06 | 2023-04-03 21:29 |
4channy bullshit, the usual | 2023-03-08 23:09 | 2025-03-31 00:00 |
Hate Speech | 2023-03-08 23:14 | 2025-03-31 00:05 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-08 23:23 | 2024-02-03 01:11 |
edgelords | 2023-03-08 23:24 | 2023-06-02 15:42 |
None | 2023-03-08 23:25 | 2025-03-31 00:16 |
None | 2023-03-08 23:28 | 2025-03-31 00:21 |
racism, homophobia, transphobia | 2023-03-08 23:29 | 2025-03-31 00:22 |
None | 2023-03-08 23:32 | 2025-03-31 00:26 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-08 23:33 | 2024-01-11 00:22 |
None | 2023-03-08 23:35 | 2025-03-31 00:28 |
Discrimination, racism, “free speech zone” | 2023-03-08 23:35 | 2025-03-31 00:29 |
Transphobia / Bigotry | 2023-03-08 23:43 | 2024-11-25 04:10 |
Inappropriate Content | 2023-03-08 23:45 | 2025-03-31 00:37 |
2023-03-08 23:45 | 2025-03-31 00:37 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-08 23:47 | 2025-03-02 07:00 |
2023-03-08 23:53 | 2025-03-31 00:44 | |
None | 2023-03-09 00:02 | 2024-04-14 03:04 |
None | 2023-03-09 00:03 | 2025-03-31 00:53 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. (via | 2023-03-09 00:08 | 2025-03-31 00:58 |
general unpleasantness | 2023-03-09 00:10 | 2025-03-31 00:59 |
2023-03-09 00:10 | 2023-08-14 21:39 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-09 00:10 | 2025-01-15 07:32 |
"Free Speech Instance" | 2023-03-09 00:19 | 2023-12-04 13:09 |
due to Inappropriate content | 2023-03-09 00:22 | 2023-05-11 08:24 |
2023-03-09 00:23 | 2023-08-11 08:50 | |
allows homophobia and nazi dog-whistles | 2023-03-09 00:24 | 2025-03-31 01:13 |
2023-03-09 00:27 | 2023-09-24 15:22 | |
2023-03-09 00:33 | 2023-05-04 20:52 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-09 00:34 | 2023-12-13 02:49 |
None | 2023-03-09 00:37 | 2025-03-31 00:41 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-03-09 00:40 | 2023-11-19 11:37 |
2023-03-09 00:53 | 2024-02-10 03:07 | |
Spam | 2023-03-09 00:56 | 2025-03-31 01:31 |
2023-03-09 00:56 | 2023-03-23 13:23 | |
2023-03-09 00:57 | 2023-07-28 08:39 | |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-09 00:59 | 2025-03-31 01:35 |
None | 2023-03-09 01:00 | 2024-09-19 18:31 |
2023-03-09 01:05 | 2024-05-19 17:27 | |
None | 2023-03-09 01:06 | 2024-11-17 09:23 |
2023-03-09 01:10 | 2024-03-06 19:33 | |
Diskriminierung, Rassismus / Faschismus / Nationalsozialismus, sogenanntes „Free Speech“ | 2023-03-09 01:10 | 2023-05-17 02:04 |
Unpleasantness, highly questionable content, alt-right | 2023-03-09 01:13 | 2025-03-31 01:49 |
Hate speech | 2023-03-09 01:13 | 2025-03-31 01:49 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-09 01:16 | 2023-09-13 18:02 |
None | 2023-03-09 01:20 | 2025-03-31 01:55 |
None | 2023-03-09 01:27 | 2025-03-31 02:00 |
2023-03-09 01:28 | 2025-03-31 02:01 | |
None | 2023-03-09 01:29 | 2025-03-31 02:01 |
2023-03-09 01:30 | 2024-12-07 08:26 | |
2023-03-09 01:38 | 2023-05-01 05:33 | |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-09 01:40 | 2023-08-23 10:00 |
2023-03-09 01:40 | 2023-08-04 11:04 | |
2023-03-09 01:46 | 2025-03-31 02:17 | |
2023-03-09 01:49 | 2024-06-20 00:59 | |
Oliphant list | 2023-03-09 01:50 | 2025-03-31 02:20 |
None | 2023-03-09 01:50 | 2025-03-31 02:21 |
2023-03-09 01:54 | 2024-04-03 10:46 | |
2023-03-09 01:57 | 2025-03-31 02:28 | |
2023-03-09 02:00 | 2023-04-26 12:02 | |
None | 2023-03-09 02:00 | 2025-03-31 02:32 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:01 | 2023-12-14 21:56 |
2023-03-09 02:08 | 2023-07-17 17:17 | |
Hateful Conduct | 2023-03-09 02:08 | 2025-03-31 02:39 |
imported from FediBlock list | 2023-03-09 02:08 | 2024-06-18 08:53 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:10 | 2023-10-02 05:33 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-09 02:11 | 2023-12-31 23:47 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:23 | 2025-03-31 02:51 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:23 | 2025-03-30 17:15 |
2023-03-09 02:24 | 2023-05-17 05:41 | |
2023-03-09 02:31 | 2025-03-30 04:06 | |
None | 2023-03-09 02:33 | 2024-10-14 18:15 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:34 | 2025-03-30 04:09 |
2023-03-09 02:38 | 2023-03-20 09:58 | |
None | 2023-03-09 02:41 | 2023-12-13 05:15 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:45 | 2023-07-08 09:40 |
"Free Speech", Alt Right | 2023-03-09 02:50 | 2024-05-31 13:55 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:51 | 2025-03-30 04:24 |
FediNuke.txt | 2023-03-09 02:51 | 2025-03-30 04:25 |
Discrimination, racism, “free speech zone” | 2023-03-09 02:53 | 2024-11-25 07:06 |
None | 2023-03-09 02:54 | 2025-03-30 04:27 |
2023-03-09 03:01 | 2025-03-30 04:31 | |
Fashy channer hellhole, runs follow bots and snuggles up to kiwifarms | 2023-03-09 03:03 | 2023-07-07 18:28 |
None | 2023-03-09 03:07 | 2025-03-30 04:37 |
2023-03-09 03:20 | 2024-01-29 15:54 | |
Faraday's Fediverse Blocklist | 2023-03-09 03:20 | 2025-03-30 04:50 |
2023-03-09 03:29 | 2024-07-07 15:20 | |
2023-03-09 03:31 | 2023-11-02 02:34 | |
Trolls | 2023-03-09 03:32 | 2023-12-07 18:28 |
2023-03-09 03:33 | 2024-01-07 05:54 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-09 03:39 | 2023-04-23 01:25 |
No moderation | 2023-03-09 03:41 | 2023-05-08 07:48 |
2023-03-09 03:42 | 2023-10-01 11:28 | |
2023-03-09 03:42 | 2025-03-30 05:09 | |
Freezepeach, channer culture (2023/02/06) | 2023-03-09 03:44 | 2025-03-30 05:11 |
Hassrede, Rassismus | 2023-03-09 03:47 | 2025-03-30 05:13 |
None | 2023-03-09 03:50 | 2023-07-09 02:42 |
Hassrede, Rassismus | 2023-03-09 03:53 | 2025-03-30 05:17 |
inappropriate content (according to | 2023-03-09 03:56 | 2023-10-01 11:44 |
identity hate | 2023-03-09 03:56 | 2025-03-30 05:20 |
Contenus inappropriés | 2023-03-09 03:59 | 2025-03-30 05:22 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment | 2023-03-09 04:00 | 2025-03-30 05:23 |
spambots & freespeech absolutionism nonsense | 2023-03-09 04:03 | 2024-10-23 01:50 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:06 | 2025-02-10 18:56 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:07 | 2025-03-30 05:28 |
Sus | 2023-03-09 04:08 | 2025-03-30 05:29 |
far right extremists, harassment | 2023-03-09 04:10 | 2023-03-23 16:44 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:15 | 2025-03-30 05:35 |
the usual bigotry | 2023-03-09 04:18 | 2024-06-11 15:28 |
Hate Speech | 2023-03-09 04:20 | 2025-03-30 05:38 |
#1.1, #1.2, #1.3 | 2023-03-09 04:23 | 2023-05-17 08:01 |
2023-03-09 04:23 | 2023-12-23 08:35 | |
None | 2023-03-09 04:26 | 2023-03-09 04:47 |
2023-03-09 04:26 | 2025-03-30 05:44 | |
None | 2023-03-09 04:26 | 2025-03-30 05:44 |
imported: | 2023-03-09 04:26 | 2025-03-30 05:45 |
fascism, harassment | 2023-03-09 04:27 | 2025-03-30 05:45 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-09 04:28 | 2023-04-16 00:09 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:31 | 2023-10-13 08:39 |
due to Inappropriate content | 2023-03-09 04:32 | 2025-03-30 05:51 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:33 | 2023-03-23 17:10 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:39 | 2023-03-09 04:59 |
None | 2023-03-09 04:55 | 2023-12-22 12:10 |
pleroma nazis | 2023-03-09 05:06 | 2025-03-30 06:17 |
NSFW &/or NSFL | 2023-03-09 05:06 | 2023-11-11 12:09 |
| import | 2023-03-09 05:08 | 2025-03-30 06:20 |
2023-03-09 05:12 | 2024-01-25 05:37 | |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-09 05:15 | 2025-03-30 06:26 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-09 05:15 | 2023-07-05 08:33 |
2023-03-09 05:36 | 2023-06-21 17:23 | |
2023-03-09 05:37 | 2025-03-30 06:29 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment | 2023-03-09 05:37 | 2025-03-30 06:29 |
None | 2023-03-09 05:37 | 2025-03-30 06:29 |
None | 2023-03-09 05:37 | 2025-03-30 06:30 |
2023-03-09 05:37 | 2023-05-27 06:37 | |
Testimonials on their parent website: "I'M GONNA SAY THE N WORD!" | 2023-03-09 05:37 | 2023-03-23 17:56 |
2023-03-09 05:39 | 2025-03-15 00:42 | |
None | 2023-03-09 05:40 | 2023-10-15 01:01 |
alt-right stench | 2023-03-09 05:40 | 2024-09-01 22:57 |
Incompatible with CoC | 2023-03-09 05:41 | 2025-03-30 06:33 |
None | 2023-03-09 05:41 | 2025-03-30 06:33 |
Serveur qui ne respecte pas nos règles sur les comportements inacceptables | 2023-03-09 05:42 | 2024-12-03 20:27 |
None | 2023-03-09 05:43 | 2025-03-30 06:35 |
None | 2023-03-09 05:43 | 2025-03-30 06:35 |
2023-03-11 14:10 | 2023-12-01 04:21 | |
None | 2023-03-11 14:41 | 2025-03-30 20:01 |
Sugg : toxic, hateful, harassement, trolling, bad-faith behavior | 2023-03-15 11:52 | 2023-07-07 22:59 |
racism | 2023-03-15 11:53 | 2023-06-21 03:00 |
alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism | 2023-03-15 12:34 | 2024-09-23 22:50 |
2023-03-15 13:11 | 2023-03-28 13:21 | |
loli | 2023-03-15 13:31 | 2025-03-30 19:44 |
Bots que no te dejan en paz | 2023-03-20 05:01 | 2023-07-01 22:25 |
Lolicon | 2023-03-20 12:09 | 2025-03-29 12:02 |
2023-03-20 12:52 | 2023-05-17 09:50 | |
2023-03-21 12:40 | 2025-03-30 18:49 | |
2023-03-28 06:32 | 2024-05-31 22:44 | |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-03-28 08:23 | 2025-03-30 20:23 |
Inappropriate Content | 2023-03-30 16:50 | 2023-06-12 02:01 |
None | 2023-03-30 17:06 | 2023-04-04 05:25 |
alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-03-30 19:55 | 2025-03-30 04:55 |
2023-03-30 22:06 | 2025-01-19 09:33 | |
2023-04-02 10:33 | 2024-12-25 03:30 | |
2023-04-02 12:17 | 2025-03-30 05:22 | |
Extremism/NSFW | 2023-04-02 13:59 | 2023-06-05 07:46 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-04-02 14:04 | 2025-03-30 06:51 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-04-02 14:04 | 2023-06-12 15:03 |
2023-04-02 14:04 | 2023-04-21 07:03 | |
Hate Speech | 2023-04-02 14:05 | 2023-12-10 19:52 |
2023-04-02 14:08 | 2023-07-13 16:02 | |
None | 2023-04-04 08:27 | 2025-03-30 04:59 |
None | 2023-04-04 09:23 | 2025-03-30 05:40 |
2023-04-04 10:38 | 2023-04-07 10:03 | |
2023-04-04 18:43 | 2023-04-07 18:08 | |
fascism, harassment | 2023-04-07 10:08 | 2023-06-05 07:48 |
fascism, harassment | 2023-04-07 10:16 | 2023-04-10 14:52 |
ableist language, loli, un-cw’d nudity, transphobia | 2023-04-07 11:08 | 2024-04-02 20:23 |
Nazi scum. | 2023-04-07 11:35 | 2024-02-17 01:09 |
None | 2023-04-07 13:03 | 2025-03-30 19:55 |
2023-04-10 15:52 | 2023-07-17 22:52 | |
Blocklist | 2023-04-10 16:31 | 2025-03-30 18:30 |
Imported from gardenfence blocklist | 2023-04-13 06:09 | 2025-03-30 06:13 |
None | 2023-04-13 09:09 | 2025-03-30 19:07 |
None | 2023-04-13 09:10 | 2025-03-30 19:08 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-04-13 09:25 | 2025-03-30 19:23 |
Imported from gardenfence blocklist | 2023-04-13 10:07 | 2025-03-30 20:04 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-04-13 10:19 | 2023-06-12 19:52 |
Imported from gardenfence blocklist | 2023-04-13 10:55 | 2023-06-12 20:30 |
users are idiots | 2023-04-19 08:04 | 2025-01-28 08:40 |
Racism | 2023-04-21 08:52 | 2024-04-28 02:49 |
None | 2023-04-24 16:40 | 2025-03-02 11:09 |
Failing | 2023-04-24 18:17 | 2023-07-05 10:00 |
None | 2023-04-24 18:17 | 2025-03-30 07:03 |
2023-04-25 05:07 | 2024-06-12 22:55 | |
abuse or some right wing problems | 2023-04-26 17:51 | 2023-07-04 08:56 |
None | 2023-04-26 19:09 | 2025-03-30 20:04 |
None | 2023-04-29 09:21 | 2025-03-30 23:19 |
None | 2023-04-29 18:01 | 2025-03-30 07:05 |
None | 2023-04-29 20:56 | 2025-03-30 19:43 |
Chud | 2023-05-01 05:57 | 2024-03-06 20:35 |
Found racism and questionable pornography | 2023-05-01 10:42 | 2023-06-12 15:15 |
2023-05-01 11:11 | 2024-03-20 01:16 | |
2023-05-01 12:15 | 2024-08-02 01:11 | |
2023-05-04 04:21 | 2023-12-31 13:20 | |
yeah no | 2023-05-04 04:57 | 2023-09-15 06:13 |
Admin's personal preferences | 2023-05-04 05:34 | 2025-03-30 19:32 |
None | 2023-05-04 05:39 | 2023-06-20 11:44 |
Imported from Trusted Site | 2023-05-04 23:05 | 2023-08-27 22:14 |
None | 2023-05-05 03:54 | 2023-08-03 06:11 |
Awful people | 2023-05-05 04:00 | 2023-12-11 16:54 |
fascism, harassment. Taken from | 2023-05-05 04:02 | 2023-05-05 04:02 |
2023-05-05 04:03 | 2024-08-03 11:35 | |
2023-05-05 04:07 | 2023-08-23 15:36 | |
2023-05-05 04:08 | 2025-03-29 13:20 | |
None | 2023-05-05 04:17 | 2025-03-30 07:26 |
2023-05-05 04:22 | 2023-11-17 22:27 | |
None | 2023-05-05 04:22 | 2024-11-06 04:59 |
2023-05-05 06:32 | 2025-03-30 19:22 | |
2023-05-05 06:57 | 2025-03-30 19:44 | |
suspended based on Furcity rule #3 | 2023-05-08 06:08 | 2023-08-30 10:48 |
2023-05-11 16:24 | 2023-05-27 04:29 | |
transphobia | 2023-05-11 18:33 | 2024-04-09 16:27 |
2023-05-11 19:02 | 2023-07-17 21:51 | |
2023-05-11 20:17 | 2025-03-30 18:15 | |
free speech, moderatrice con la bandiera nazista nel profilo, lolicon | 2023-05-11 21:31 | 2025-03-30 19:21 |
2023-05-11 21:43 | 2024-04-28 03:36 | |
2023-05-11 22:04 | 2025-03-30 19:51 | |
2023-05-16 05:58 | 2023-05-16 05:58 | |
None | 2023-05-16 18:44 | 2025-03-30 22:36 |
2023-05-17 05:16 | 2024-03-18 17:41 | |
None | 2023-05-22 22:09 | 2025-03-30 17:56 |
2023-05-22 23:19 | 2024-06-22 03:57 | |
2023-05-23 20:45 | 2024-09-05 08:02 | |
Violated rule 2 | 2023-05-23 21:52 | 2025-03-30 22:30 |
2023-05-25 21:47 | 2025-03-30 23:03 | |
2023-05-27 04:58 | 2023-10-31 20:41 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-05-27 07:57 | 2025-03-30 07:40 |
2023-05-27 10:20 | 2025-03-30 19:08 | |
2 edgy | 2023-05-27 11:08 | 2025-03-30 19:52 |
2023-05-31 10:50 | 2024-02-13 15:57 | |
None | 2023-05-31 13:16 | 2024-04-15 07:49 |
hate | 2023-06-05 08:41 | 2025-03-30 07:38 |
2023-06-05 08:43 | 2023-06-27 10:46 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-06-05 08:50 | 2023-06-12 16:05 |
Diskriminierung, Rassismus / Faschismus / Nationalsozialismus, sogenanntes „Free Speech“ | 2023-06-05 08:50 | 2025-03-30 07:46 |
None | 2023-06-05 08:51 | 2025-03-30 07:47 |
Transphobie | 2023-06-05 10:11 | 2025-03-30 18:07 |
bigotry, harrassment | 2023-06-05 12:15 | 2025-03-30 19:51 |
freeze peach ❄️🍑, racism and homophobia, coordinated harassment | 2023-06-05 12:25 | 2024-12-10 15:09 |
2023-06-09 13:25 | 2024-08-11 22:01 | |
edgelords | 2023-06-09 13:44 | 2025-03-31 00:16 |
Harrasment, homophobia, far-right | 2023-06-12 11:58 | 2024-07-31 19:58 |
bigotry | 2023-06-12 15:00 | 2024-08-31 12:04 |
spam | 2023-06-12 16:48 | 2024-06-26 06:48 |
2023-06-12 16:59 | 2025-03-30 17:59 | |
hate speech | 2023-06-12 18:25 | 2023-07-02 10:06 |
Radical free speech, misantrophic content | 2023-06-12 18:58 | 2025-03-30 19:33 |
instancia tolerante a Nazista | 2023-06-12 19:11 | 2025-03-30 19:42 |
2023-06-16 02:29 | 2024-11-30 11:37 | |
2023-06-16 03:24 | 2023-07-01 18:30 | |
None | 2023-06-16 13:49 | 2025-03-30 05:38 |
2023-06-16 15:39 | 2024-12-21 01:17 | |
2023-06-16 16:17 | 2025-03-30 07:50 | |
None | 2023-06-16 16:17 | 2023-07-17 05:50 |
None | 2023-06-17 08:36 | 2025-03-30 07:51 |
None | 2023-06-17 08:36 | 2023-06-28 04:09 |
2023-06-17 08:36 | 2023-06-23 05:26 | |
2023-06-17 08:36 | 2023-06-29 14:02 | |
None | 2023-06-18 00:17 | 2025-03-30 06:30 |
None | 2023-06-18 02:24 | 2025-03-30 18:19 |
Hate speech. | 2023-06-18 20:23 | 2025-03-30 19:14 |
None | 2023-06-19 01:38 | 2025-03-30 23:38 |
LGBTIQAA+ phobic; racist; free speech | 2023-06-19 12:49 | 2024-08-10 00:44 |
2023-06-19 18:59 | 2023-06-30 15:39 | |
2023-06-20 04:10 | 2025-03-30 18:11 | |
Violation of Local Policies #4, #9 | 2023-06-20 04:28 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
None | 2023-06-20 21:57 | 2023-09-13 20:43 |
None | 2023-06-21 03:33 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
2023-06-22 12:03 | 2023-06-24 15:04 | |
2023-06-23 07:24 | 2023-07-01 18:18 | |
2023-06-23 21:58 | 2023-07-01 16:43 | |
hate speech instance | 2023-06-23 22:57 | 2025-03-30 17:58 |
2023-06-24 15:05 | 2023-07-05 11:54 | |
2023-06-24 22:31 | 2023-07-17 12:59 | |
Spreading hateful content | 2023-06-25 01:28 | 2025-03-31 01:22 |
bigoty, discrimination | 2023-06-25 07:50 | 2025-03-16 13:18 |
None | 2023-06-26 07:59 | 2025-01-03 13:07 |
2023-06-26 18:28 | 2023-06-26 18:28 | |
2023-06-28 03:32 | 2024-06-04 01:53 | |
2023-06-29 14:03 | 2023-06-29 14:03 | |
2023-06-30 23:49 | 2023-11-06 20:56 | |
2023-07-01 02:21 | 2024-11-06 10:46 | |
None | 2023-07-01 03:31 | 2025-03-30 20:30 |
2023-07-01 16:43 | 2023-07-03 00:00 | |
None | 2023-07-02 22:54 | 2023-07-27 19:19 |
None | 2023-07-02 23:17 | 2023-08-25 17:43 |
Haatdragende toots | 2023-07-03 00:48 | 2023-09-30 21:48 |
Homophobia, transphobia, racism | 2023-07-03 08:19 | 2023-10-18 07:06 |
2023-07-05 11:55 | 2025-03-30 07:51 | |
2023-07-05 15:53 | 2025-03-30 19:19 | |
2023-07-06 18:31 | 2024-02-17 23:26 | |
Discrimination, racism, “free speech zone” | 2023-07-06 20:05 | 2025-03-30 18:24 |
None | 2023-07-07 08:14 | 2025-03-30 18:37 |
Oliphant.Social / “Bare Minimum” - 05/19/22 | 2023-07-07 21:48 | 2024-02-28 08:09 |
2023-07-08 00:04 | 2024-12-24 19:11 | |
2023-07-08 14:11 | 2025-03-30 07:51 | |
2023-07-08 16:55 | 2025-01-01 21:05 | |
| | 2023-07-08 16:57 | 2024-01-14 22:14 |
fash and very nonce! | 2023-07-09 04:26 | 2023-09-19 21:19 |
2023-07-09 07:24 | 2025-03-30 18:22 | |
LGBTIQAA+ phobic; racist; free speech | 2023-07-09 12:02 | 2025-03-30 22:45 |
seemingly duplicate of | 2023-07-09 22:34 | 2023-08-06 00:00 |
2023-07-10 00:20 | 2025-03-30 18:42 | |
Spam von der Domain bekommen | 2023-07-10 22:49 | 2025-03-30 06:49 |
None | 2023-07-10 23:17 | 2024-03-25 03:35 |
-unbekannt- | 2023-07-12 15:44 | 2023-08-27 17:49 |
None | 2023-07-13 04:03 | 2025-03-30 19:57 |
2023-07-13 20:13 | 2025-03-30 19:59 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-07-14 10:14 | 2023-12-28 15:51 |
too much chan posting | 2023-07-14 19:08 | 2023-08-07 23:30 |
Unmoderated | 2023-07-16 13:31 | 2025-03-30 07:52 |
2023-07-17 05:09 | 2023-09-22 01:12 | |
Seek christ | 2023-07-17 08:05 | 2023-08-12 11:12 |
2023-07-21 10:00 | 2023-12-31 13:50 | |
discrimination | 歧视 | 2023-07-22 07:10 | 2025-03-30 19:55 |
2023-07-22 11:15 | 2025-03-30 06:50 | |
2023-07-22 12:32 | 2024-08-07 07:03 | |
It's like if Poast couldn't commit to being Nazis, so instead of being edgy, it's just sad. It's still terrible, though. | 2023-07-22 12:32 | 2025-03-23 19:46 |
hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-07-23 14:57 | 2023-07-24 07:57 |
2023-07-24 06:12 | 2025-03-30 07:11 | |
2023-07-24 09:38 | 2023-08-16 00:52 | |
2023-07-25 07:58 | 2025-03-30 23:31 | |
2023-07-26 09:23 | 2024-08-05 02:41 | |
None | 2023-07-26 10:47 | 2025-03-30 17:47 |
None | 2023-07-27 06:06 | 2025-03-30 19:46 |
2023-07-27 19:39 | 2025-03-30 07:11 | |
None | 2023-07-27 22:20 | 2025-03-30 19:01 |
2023-07-30 00:43 | 2024-02-10 10:28 | |
2023-07-30 01:52 | 2023-09-07 09:54 | |
None | 2023-07-30 02:21 | 2025-03-30 18:18 |
Oliphant Unified Blocklist - Tier 0 (Updated 2023-07-29) | 2023-07-30 04:44 | 2024-10-15 22:37 |
None | 2023-07-31 12:56 | 2025-03-30 18:47 |
Tasteless | 2023-07-31 13:55 | 2025-03-30 19:37 |
None | 2023-07-31 14:49 | 2025-03-30 20:27 |
2023-08-01 03:15 | 2024-03-11 20:01 | |
worst offenders | 2023-08-01 09:11 | 2025-03-30 21:33 |
None | 2023-08-01 20:01 | 2023-11-19 17:29 |
fediblock | 2023-08-02 21:03 | 2023-10-29 01:10 |
2023-08-04 00:00 | 2025-02-21 16:25 | |
None | 2023-08-04 03:40 | 2025-03-30 20:16 |
blocklist | 2023-08-05 06:50 | 2024-10-22 10:39 |
2023-08-06 14:24 | 2024-02-11 23:40 | |
None | 2023-08-07 02:40 | 2025-03-31 01:04 |
Blocklist | 2023-08-09 16:16 | 2023-11-24 16:07 |
alt-right, hate-associated, hate-speech, inappropriate, racism | 2023-08-10 05:32 | 2023-08-28 23:28 |
None | 2023-08-10 23:13 | 2025-03-30 07:52 |
LGBTIQAA+ phobic; racist; free speech | 2023-08-11 02:02 | 2025-03-30 19:42 |
2023-08-11 21:18 | 2025-03-30 21:35 | |
Lack of moderation, toxic userbase | 2023-08-12 10:17 | 2025-03-30 18:14 |
None | 2023-08-16 18:14 | 2025-03-30 18:56 |
Discrimination, racism, “free speech zone” | 2023-08-18 04:12 | 2025-03-30 23:31 |
Homophobic comments, hate speech | 2023-08-20 02:17 | 2023-08-21 14:08 |
2023-08-20 02:20 | 2024-02-16 18:17 | |
suspended based on Furstown rule #3 | 2023-08-20 02:22 | 2025-03-30 07:58 |
None | 2023-08-20 02:23 | 2025-03-30 07:59 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-08-20 02:23 | 2025-03-30 07:59 |
2023-08-20 02:24 | 2024-03-03 08:27 | |
2023-08-20 02:24 | 2024-09-29 22:52 | |
None | 2023-08-20 02:24 | 2025-03-30 08:00 |
2023-08-20 02:26 | 2024-04-14 11:51 | |
2023-08-20 02:27 | 2024-01-04 16:33 | |
None | 2023-08-20 02:27 | 2023-10-13 11:27 |
hate-speech, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-08-20 02:28 | 2025-03-14 08:18 |
transphobia | 2023-08-20 02:28 | 2024-01-06 12:18 |
Permits hate speech | 2023-08-20 02:29 | 2025-03-30 08:04 |
Racism, Nazism (Content illegal in Germany) | 2023-08-20 02:30 | 2023-09-19 23:10 |
2023-08-20 02:31 | 2023-11-05 02:14 | |
2023-08-20 02:32 | 2024-06-20 07:16 | |
2023-08-20 02:33 | 2023-12-09 18:00 | |
2023-08-20 02:33 | 2023-12-31 10:47 | |
lol | 2023-08-20 02:33 | 2024-03-12 20:28 |
2023-08-20 02:34 | 2023-09-17 20:08 | |
2023-08-20 02:34 | 2024-03-04 06:16 | |
2023-08-20 02:36 | 2023-12-30 14:57 | |
nope | 2023-08-20 02:36 | 2024-12-29 01:35 |
2023-08-20 02:37 | 2025-03-30 08:09 | |
2023-08-20 02:37 | 2024-11-22 11:22 | |
None | 2023-08-20 02:38 | 2025-03-30 08:10 |
2023-08-20 02:41 | 2025-03-20 04:34 | |
2023-08-20 02:42 | 2024-04-15 09:37 | |
2023-08-20 02:44 | 2024-09-12 12:39 | |
2023-08-20 02:44 | 2023-12-04 21:10 | |
Chan posting | 2023-08-20 02:46 | 2025-03-30 08:16 |
2023-08-20 02:46 | 2023-08-26 13:20 | |
on blacklist (harassment) | 2023-08-20 02:47 | 2023-08-21 14:38 |
2023-08-20 02:48 | 2023-11-08 05:37 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-08-20 02:48 | 2023-11-12 06:55 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-08-20 02:49 | 2025-03-30 08:18 |
2023-08-20 02:50 | 2024-01-09 06:36 | |
2023-08-20 02:51 | 2025-03-30 08:20 | |
2023-08-20 02:51 | 2023-12-04 21:17 | |
Inappropriate content | 2023-08-20 02:52 | 2023-09-01 12:20 |
None | 2023-08-20 02:52 | 2025-03-30 08:21 |
Contenu innaproprié. | 2023-08-20 02:53 | 2024-11-30 08:20 |
2023-08-20 02:54 | 2025-03-30 08:22 | |
Oliphant tier2 | 2023-08-20 02:55 | 2025-03-30 08:23 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-08-20 02:55 | 2023-10-09 13:45 |
2023-08-20 02:57 | 2025-03-30 08:25 | |
None | 2023-08-20 03:00 | 2025-03-30 08:27 |
pleroma anime fash | 2023-08-20 03:02 | 2024-04-25 08:08 |
Loli content, neo-nazis, racism, ableism, queerphobia, harassment | 2023-08-20 03:03 | 2025-03-30 08:29 |
2023-08-20 03:03 | 2025-03-30 08:29 | |
2023-08-20 03:04 | 2025-03-30 08:30 | |
2023-08-20 03:05 | 2025-03-15 20:28 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-08-20 03:06 | 2025-03-30 08:31 |
2023-08-20 03:06 | 2024-10-29 23:17 | |
fascism, harassment | 2023-08-20 03:07 | 2025-03-30 08:32 |
None | 2023-08-20 03:09 | 2024-05-10 17:49 |
None | 2023-08-20 03:10 | 2025-03-30 08:34 |
Imported on 7/29/2023, 1:30:57 PM from | 2023-08-20 03:10 | 2025-03-30 08:35 |
fascism, harassment, racism, transmisia, block bot | 2023-08-20 03:12 | 2024-03-14 16:19 |
2023-08-20 03:14 | 2024-02-01 16:01 | |
Lolicon, Cub | 2023-08-20 03:14 | 2023-10-09 14:02 |
None | 2023-08-20 03:15 | 2024-07-18 17:14 |
None | 2023-08-20 03:15 | 2025-03-30 08:39 |
Fascism, harassment | 2023-08-20 03:16 | 2024-10-23 23:36 |
Harassment | 2023-08-20 03:18 | 2025-03-30 08:41 |
2023-08-20 03:19 | 2024-01-13 20:03 | |
Inappropriate | 2023-08-20 03:20 | 2025-03-30 08:43 |
| | 2023-08-20 03:21 | 2025-03-30 08:44 |
2023-08-20 03:21 | 2025-03-30 08:44 | |
2023-08-20 03:21 | 2025-03-30 08:44 | |
None | 2023-08-20 03:23 | 2025-03-30 08:45 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone (includes Nazi)" | 2023-08-20 03:24 | 2025-03-30 08:46 |
fashism, harassment 2022-11-12 | 2023-08-20 03:25 | 2025-03-30 08:47 |
2023-08-20 03:26 | 2024-11-10 10:25 | |
None | 2023-08-20 03:31 | 2025-03-30 08:51 |
2023-08-20 03:35 | 2023-10-06 00:39 | |
None | 2023-08-20 03:37 | 2024-10-28 12:14 |
2023-08-20 03:39 | 2024-11-16 23:19 | |
2023-08-20 16:22 | 2023-12-16 23:05 | |
transphobia | 2023-08-21 14:48 | 2025-03-30 08:25 |
2023-08-21 15:51 | 2024-01-21 00:50 | |
Instanz extra für Trolle | 2023-08-21 16:37 | 2025-03-30 18:30 |
None | 2023-08-22 19:26 | 2025-03-30 08:58 |
None | 2023-08-26 15:34 | 2025-03-30 18:22 |
None | 2023-08-29 00:47 | 2024-02-04 09:21 |
user misbehaviour, contact yuki if you think this is a mistake | 2023-08-29 20:26 | 2025-03-30 07:51 |
fascism, harassment | 2023-08-29 21:02 | 2025-03-30 08:10 |
Oliphant T0 unified blocklist. | 2023-08-31 09:06 | 2023-12-21 14:05 |
2023-09-02 09:21 | 2023-09-14 03:32 | |
Fedinuke Import | 2023-09-02 09:24 | 2023-09-27 02:05 |
None | 2023-09-02 10:39 | 2025-03-02 19:27 |
None | 2023-09-02 11:04 | 2024-12-31 09:46 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-09-02 12:55 | 2025-03-30 20:05 |
2023-09-05 00:58 | 2024-05-11 20:17 | |
2023-09-07 07:46 | 2025-03-30 18:37 | |
I don't think this needs to be spoken of. | 2023-09-07 16:01 | 2025-03-31 00:57 |
Discrimination, racism, "free speech zone" | 2023-09-08 02:27 | 2025-03-30 09:08 |
fashism, harassment | 2023-09-08 02:27 | 2024-06-07 15:35 |
obvious | 2023-09-10 21:52 | 2025-03-30 19:31 |
2023-09-11 12:01 | 2024-02-13 18:37 | |
2023-09-17 20:34 | 2025-03-30 08:25 | |
None | 2023-09-19 03:59 | 2024-04-02 04:29 |
Well-known instance focused on harassment and hate speech. | 2023-09-20 00:31 | 2023-09-27 02:09 |
2023-09-22 01:24 | 2024-07-27 19:38 | |
2023-09-22 03:29 | 2024-01-01 07:02 | |
None | 2023-09-22 23:27 | 2025-03-30 19:17 |
None | 2023-09-23 13:17 | 2024-04-08 22:17 |
None | 2023-09-24 07:50 | 2024-09-10 09:30 |
NSFW Server | 2023-09-25 02:40 | 2025-03-30 19:41 |
None | 2023-09-25 18:16 | 2024-05-05 13:26 |
4chan shit, transphobia, significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-09-27 02:09 | 2023-10-05 03:47 |
racism | 2023-09-29 23:15 | 2024-06-05 20:41 |
transphobia / queerphobia | 2023-10-01 16:50 | 2024-01-25 09:36 |
2023-10-05 15:35 | 2024-02-24 00:18 | |
2023-10-08 13:57 | 2024-02-15 16:35 | |
None | 2023-10-09 11:26 | 2025-03-30 19:13 |
None | 2023-10-09 14:39 | 2023-10-09 14:39 |
Hate | 2023-10-09 14:42 | 2025-03-30 09:13 |
Transphobia | 2023-10-09 14:48 | 2024-03-22 15:06 |
None | 2023-10-09 14:48 | 2025-03-30 09:17 |
Oliphant Unified Tier0 Blocklist | 2023-10-09 14:50 | 2024-04-23 11:09 |
2023-10-09 14:52 | 2024-05-15 01:48 | |
Blocklist | 2023-10-09 14:52 | 2024-05-09 02:30 |
None | 2023-10-09 14:53 | 2025-01-19 12:28 |
anti-lgbtq | 2023-10-09 15:01 | 2023-10-19 14:11 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-associated, inappropriate, racism Imported from: | 2023-10-09 15:02 | 2025-03-30 09:28 |
2023-10-09 15:04 | 2024-09-20 02:13 | |
None | 2023-10-09 15:08 | 2025-03-30 09:31 |
None | 2023-10-09 15:08 | 2025-03-30 09:31 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-10-09 15:09 | 2024-11-17 16:54 |
NSFW | 2023-10-09 15:09 | 2024-08-11 13:13 |
2023-10-09 15:10 | 2023-10-24 11:26 | |
transphobia, racism, freeze peach | 2023-10-09 15:10 | 2024-04-14 14:01 |
Hate | 2023-10-09 15:10 | 2023-10-15 04:42 |
2023-10-09 15:12 | 2024-01-04 18:42 | |
2023-10-09 15:14 | 2023-11-21 08:23 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, conspiracy, hate-associated, inappropriate, racism | 2023-10-09 15:15 | 2024-12-13 07:49 |
2023-10-09 15:21 | 2024-01-29 01:20 | |
2023-10-09 15:23 | 2024-01-01 07:49 | |
None | 2023-10-09 15:24 | 2025-03-30 09:45 |
2023-10-09 15:30 | 2024-01-10 09:00 | |
racism, homophobia, transphobia | 2023-10-09 15:31 | 2024-03-07 06:15 |
identity hate | 2023-10-09 15:32 | 2024-03-15 14:44 |
2023-10-11 04:33 | 2024-12-14 01:52 | |
2023-10-11 04:55 | 2023-12-27 03:14 | |
2023-10-11 04:55 | 2023-12-26 06:18 | |
2023-10-11 05:40 | 2023-12-29 04:57 | |
2023-10-11 05:46 | 2023-12-31 14:01 | |
2023-10-11 06:01 | 2024-01-09 11:24 | |
2023-10-11 06:05 | 2023-12-26 07:33 | |
2023-10-11 06:26 | 2024-01-13 23:50 | |
2023-10-11 06:26 | 2023-12-23 17:45 | |
2023-10-11 06:28 | 2023-12-23 17:46 | |
2023-10-11 06:43 | 2023-12-22 21:12 | |
2023-10-11 06:51 | 2024-07-05 13:08 | |
2023-10-11 08:12 | 2024-02-20 17:18 | |
2023-10-11 09:04 | 2024-01-23 20:47 | |
2023-10-11 12:13 | 2023-12-23 23:24 | |
2023-10-11 13:41 | 2023-12-23 04:01 | |
2023-10-11 14:37 | 2023-12-31 22:59 | |
2023-10-11 14:38 | 2024-03-17 20:16 | |
2023-10-11 14:59 | 2025-03-31 02:19 | |
2023-10-11 15:34 | 2024-02-20 02:29 | |
2023-10-11 15:40 | 2023-12-25 19:54 | |
2023-10-11 15:59 | 2024-01-04 10:25 | |
2023-10-11 18:03 | 2025-03-30 05:38 | |
2023-10-11 18:03 | 2023-12-04 17:44 | |
2023-10-11 18:14 | 2024-01-04 13:06 | |
2023-10-11 18:30 | 2024-01-12 08:03 | |
2023-10-11 18:32 | 2024-02-15 10:22 | |
2023-10-11 19:33 | 2023-12-25 03:10 | |
2023-10-11 19:37 | 2023-12-23 10:11 | |
2023-10-11 19:38 | 2023-11-14 07:17 | |
2023-10-11 19:38 | 2024-01-26 04:12 | |
2023-10-11 20:08 | 2023-12-23 10:40 | |
2023-10-11 20:21 | 2023-12-03 04:09 | |
2023-10-11 20:28 | 2023-12-16 00:19 | |
2023-10-11 20:37 | 2024-02-16 17:37 | |
2023-10-11 21:12 | 2023-12-25 04:55 | |
2023-10-11 21:22 | 2023-12-23 12:03 | |
2023-10-11 21:39 | 2023-12-24 09:11 | |
2023-10-11 22:20 | 2023-12-31 11:58 | |
2023-10-11 22:36 | 2023-10-28 17:49 | |
None | 2023-10-11 22:58 | 2025-03-30 09:36 |
2023-10-11 23:52 | 2024-01-07 14:02 | |
2023-10-12 18:13 | 2024-01-12 14:00 | |
free speech from USA | 2023-10-14 17:24 | 2025-03-30 23:48 |
2023-10-15 04:02 | 2024-01-24 11:20 | |
2023-10-16 14:44 | 2025-03-26 13:25 | |
transphobia | 2023-10-18 18:41 | 2025-03-30 09:54 |
"Free Speech Instance" | 2023-10-19 14:41 | 2023-11-05 04:51 |
Incompatible moderation standards | 2023-10-26 19:04 | 2023-10-28 01:00 |
None | 2023-10-28 01:45 | 2024-08-20 18:37 |
2023-10-31 19:01 | 2025-03-30 04:32 | |
2023-10-31 19:01 | 2025-03-30 04:32 | |
2023-10-31 23:56 | 2024-02-09 15:08 | |
None | 2023-11-01 01:00 | 2024-08-26 11:34 |
2023-11-01 12:45 | 2025-03-30 09:41 | |
LGBTIQAA+ phobic; racist; free speech | 2023-11-03 10:22 | 2025-03-30 22:05 |
2023-11-05 16:07 | 2024-04-28 08:39 | |
Hate Speech | 2023-11-07 15:26 | 2023-12-01 21:09 |
None | 2023-11-09 02:55 | 2025-03-30 19:43 |
2023-11-15 04:15 | 2024-05-24 04:27 | |
None | 2023-11-16 01:07 | 2025-03-30 09:54 |
2023-12-01 01:35 | 2024-02-27 11:20 | |
2023-12-01 18:04 | 2024-09-06 12:05 | |
suspend | 2023-12-03 15:20 | 2024-03-29 05:28 |
2023-12-09 17:37 | 2023-12-26 22:26 | |
Hate speech | 2023-12-13 05:34 | 2025-03-30 17:16 |
None | 2023-12-14 12:52 | 2025-03-30 19:29 |
Worst offenders on | 2023-12-15 01:33 | 2025-03-30 06:01 |
fedinuke ( | 2023-12-15 07:10 | 2024-05-20 03:07 |
None | 2023-12-15 07:12 | 2023-12-16 04:03 |
2023-12-15 07:18 | 2025-03-30 10:02 | |
2023-12-15 07:18 | 2025-03-30 10:02 | |
2023-12-15 07:21 | 2024-01-11 14:38 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-12-16 06:52 | 2025-03-30 19:45 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2023-12-16 21:00 | 2024-06-24 10:25 |
2023-12-18 23:00 | 2025-01-01 04:03 | |
Child porn (drawing or real) | 2023-12-19 03:11 | 2025-03-30 19:10 |
endless hentai bots | 2023-12-22 20:47 | 2025-03-30 19:31 |
None | 2023-12-25 07:48 | 2023-12-25 07:48 |
2023-12-27 22:29 | 2024-10-04 12:59 | |
Instance allows hate speech | 2023-12-28 00:33 | 2025-03-30 18:36 |
This domain appears on several public blocklists for harmful content | 2023-12-28 01:03 | 2025-03-30 19:05 |
LachhafteEierformalitätenstatutregulierungsverwaltungshandbuch | 2023-12-30 16:14 | 2024-07-04 12:58 |
2024-01-02 01:10 | 2025-03-30 07:37 | |
None | 2024-01-03 23:45 | 2025-03-30 19:27 |
None | 2024-01-08 20:46 | 2025-03-31 00:53 |
Spam | 2024-01-12 13:16 | 2024-02-05 08:34 |
transphobia | 2024-01-14 19:13 | 2024-07-26 06:51 |
2024-01-15 15:58 | 2024-02-18 02:22 | |
None | 2024-01-19 07:41 | 2024-09-13 10:43 |
2024-01-20 03:26 | 2024-02-18 04:12 | |
2024-01-22 15:01 | 2025-01-03 02:25 | |
Rassismus, Nazi-Symbolik | 2024-01-24 16:15 | 2025-03-30 19:56 |
2024-01-28 01:48 | 2024-01-28 01:48 | |
harassment | 2024-02-06 07:20 | 2024-03-21 19:08 |
None | 2024-02-10 11:52 | 2025-03-30 08:43 |
None | 2024-02-10 13:41 | 2025-03-30 10:05 |
Racism, spamming | 2024-02-14 01:03 | 2025-03-30 19:46 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-02-17 01:53 | 2025-03-30 18:57 |
None | 2024-02-17 04:03 | 2025-03-30 20:09 |
2024-02-17 23:27 | 2025-03-30 07:51 | |
Blocklist | 2024-02-19 03:59 | 2024-03-27 20:15 |
2024-02-19 15:26 | 2025-03-30 20:12 | |
Racist imagery | 2024-02-21 13:19 | 2025-03-30 18:10 |
2024-02-22 13:10 | 2025-03-30 18:04 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-02-22 14:42 | 2025-03-30 19:12 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-02-22 17:31 | 2025-03-30 21:10 |
alt-right | 2024-02-24 12:25 | 2025-03-30 10:06 |
Nazi stuff | 2024-02-24 13:00 | 2025-03-30 17:52 |
Trollhaus | 2024-02-25 07:53 | 2025-03-30 07:14 |
2024-02-25 08:09 | 2025-03-30 07:23 | |
2024-02-25 09:23 | 2024-03-26 23:33 | |
None | 2024-02-28 19:24 | 2025-03-30 22:21 |
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | 2024-03-05 11:37 | 2024-06-03 11:23 |
Transphobes. | 2024-03-07 08:00 | 2025-03-30 18:44 |
2024-03-10 08:53 | 2025-03-30 22:18 | |
2024-03-10 09:21 | 2025-03-30 22:37 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-03-18 18:16 | 2025-03-31 02:57 |
2024-03-22 03:49 | 2024-09-26 10:50 | |
None | 2024-04-01 20:59 | 2024-11-05 16:39 |
None | 2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-03-30 10:07 |
None | 2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-03-30 10:07 |
Spam, racism, queerphobia, followbots, harrassment | 2024-04-03 23:37 | 2024-04-06 08:43 |
2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-03-30 10:07 | |
2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-03-30 10:07 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-03-30 10:07 |
republicans | 2024-04-03 23:37 | 2024-11-24 00:25 |
2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-01-04 18:01 | |
None | 2024-04-03 23:37 | 2025-03-03 11:08 |
2024-04-03 23:38 | 2025-03-30 10:07 | |
racism, loli content, follow bot, rejects deletes, white supremacy, transphobia | 2024-04-03 23:38 | 2024-04-19 21:19 |
imported: | 2024-04-03 23:38 | 2025-03-30 10:07 |
2024-04-03 23:38 | 2025-03-30 10:08 | |
Blocklist | 2024-04-03 23:38 | 2024-05-16 19:35 |
free speech zone | 2024-04-03 23:38 | 2025-03-30 10:08 |
2024-04-03 23:39 | 2024-05-03 04:32 | |
2024-04-05 03:28 | 2025-03-30 09:57 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-04-05 03:48 | 2024-10-10 13:37 |
2024-04-06 07:29 | 2025-03-30 09:31 | |
2024-04-06 08:43 | 2025-03-30 10:07 | |
Pornografische Darstellungen | 2024-04-06 10:05 | 2025-03-30 18:28 |
2024-04-11 00:29 | 2024-06-17 18:36 | |
Hate Speech, Transphobia, Racism | 2024-04-16 10:09 | 2025-03-30 18:06 |
2024-05-01 09:04 | 2025-03-30 08:07 | |
None | 2024-05-03 06:17 | 2025-03-30 19:09 |
None | 2024-06-03 01:36 | 2025-03-30 04:16 |
2024-06-09 09:24 | 2025-03-30 10:08 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-06-12 00:45 | 2025-03-30 20:33 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-06-20 09:30 | 2025-03-30 09:42 |
Inappropriate content | 2024-06-27 03:10 | 2025-03-30 18:08 |
Hate & anti LGBTQI Content | 2024-07-10 06:53 | 2024-07-11 02:52 |
None | 2024-07-13 00:44 | 2025-03-30 18:46 |
None | 2024-07-25 12:18 | 2025-03-30 18:21 |
2024-08-08 08:26 | 2024-08-08 08:26 | |
Tier0 Oliphant | 2024-08-09 23:10 | 2025-03-30 18:10 |
FASCISM | 2024-08-14 22:06 | 2024-10-15 01:27 |
2024-09-05 02:55 | 2024-09-11 19:00 | |
None | 2024-09-07 23:24 | 2024-11-07 01:26 |
Discrimination, Free speech zone, racism | 2024-09-12 16:53 | 2025-03-30 18:48 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, IFTAS:Hate-Speech;Online-Harassment | 2024-09-15 17:35 | 2025-03-30 19:25 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-09-18 19:28 | 2025-03-30 21:09 |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2024-10-11 07:13 | 2024-12-20 11:38 |
some malconfigured server akkoma | 2024-10-12 20:10 | 2025-03-30 18:08 |
2024-10-15 00:09 | 2025-01-20 07:15 | |
None | 2024-10-16 02:02 | 2025-03-06 22:35 |
Underage cartoon porn | 2024-10-19 15:56 | 2025-03-30 19:40 |
homofòbia | 2024-10-23 09:38 | 2025-03-30 19:26 |
Hate Speech / Harassment | 2024-10-23 22:28 | 2025-03-30 07:39 |
2024-11-03 19:49 | 2025-03-30 10:10 | |
harassment | 2024-11-05 22:29 | 2024-11-13 21:17 |
2024-11-06 04:45 | 2024-11-18 07:25 | |
suspend | 2024-11-06 20:53 | 2025-03-30 04:29 |
harassment | 2024-11-08 10:39 | 2025-03-31 01:34 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-11-08 23:19 | 2025-03-30 19:37 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2024-11-08 23:37 | 2025-02-04 22:01 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-11-16 02:40 | 2025-03-30 05:39 |
Unmoderiert, Faschismus, Belästigung | 2024-11-17 14:41 | 2024-11-17 14:41 |
| 80% | 2024-11-22 05:23 | 2025-03-31 01:45 |
None | 2024-11-23 07:44 | 2025-03-30 10:10 |
2024-11-26 02:47 | 2025-03-30 20:29 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-11-27 09:43 | 2024-12-02 14:40 |
2024-12-09 15:45 | 2025-02-17 04:50 | |
Slurs, trolls, discrimination | 2024-12-12 01:03 | 2025-03-30 19:55 |
2025-01-01 17:51 | 2025-01-31 20:08 | |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:51 | 2025-03-30 10:11 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-01 17:51 | 2025-01-07 20:33 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:53 | 2025-03-30 10:13 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:54 | 2025-03-30 10:14 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-01 17:54 | 2025-03-30 10:14 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:54 | 2025-03-30 10:15 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:55 | 2025-03-30 10:15 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:57 | 2025-03-30 10:17 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:57 | 2025-03-30 10:18 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-01 17:58 | 2025-03-30 10:19 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:58 | 2025-03-30 10:19 |
transphobia | 2025-01-01 17:59 | 2025-03-30 10:20 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 17:59 | 2025-03-30 10:20 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-01 18:01 | 2025-03-30 10:22 |
None | 2025-01-01 18:04 | 2025-03-30 10:26 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:05 | 2025-03-30 10:28 |
no | 2025-01-01 18:05 | 2025-03-30 10:28 |
None | 2025-01-01 18:06 | 2025-03-30 10:29 |
2025-01-01 18:07 | 2025-03-30 10:29 | |
yeah. | 2025-01-01 18:08 | 2025-03-30 10:32 |
None | 2025-01-01 18:10 | 2025-03-30 10:33 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:10 | 2025-03-30 10:34 |
racism; misogyny; ableism; homophobia; nazis; csa+4chan qanon stuff+Diskriminierung; Rassismus; free speech zone+; racismo; etc. | 2025-01-01 18:11 | 2025-03-30 10:34 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:11 | 2025-03-30 10:35 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:11 | 2025-03-30 10:35 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:12 | 2025-03-30 10:36 |
copied from's blocklist | 2025-01-01 18:13 | 2025-03-30 10:37 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:14 | 2025-03-30 10:38 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-01 18:15 | 2025-03-28 04:58 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-01 18:16 | 2025-03-30 10:40 |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2025-01-01 18:17 | 2025-02-19 17:57 |
suspend | 2025-01-01 18:17 | 2025-03-30 10:40 |
존재하지 않는 인스턴스 | 2025-01-01 20:34 | 2025-03-30 19:29 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:40 | 2025-03-30 10:43 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:41 | 2025-03-24 15:41 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:41 | 2025-03-30 10:44 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:42 | 2025-03-30 10:45 |
2025-01-02 11:43 | 2025-03-30 10:46 | |
Blocklist | 2025-01-02 11:46 | 2025-03-30 10:49 |
#FediNuke | 2025-01-02 11:47 | 2025-03-30 10:51 |
2025-01-02 11:47 | 2025-03-30 10:51 | |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:48 | 2025-03-30 10:52 |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2025-01-02 11:49 | 2025-02-19 18:09 |
2025-01-02 11:49 | 2025-03-30 10:53 | |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:50 | 2025-03-30 10:53 |
Rassismus, Nazi-Symbolik | 2025-01-02 11:50 | 2025-01-12 13:44 |
Blocklist | 2025-01-02 11:53 | 2025-02-17 09:15 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-02 11:54 | 2025-03-30 10:58 |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2025-01-02 11:54 | 2025-02-19 18:15 |
2025-01-02 11:55 | 2025-03-30 10:59 | |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:58 | 2025-03-30 11:03 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 11:59 | 2025-03-30 11:03 |
Blocklist | 2025-01-02 12:00 | 2025-01-23 12:05 |
None | 2025-01-02 12:01 | 2025-03-30 11:05 |
2025-01-02 12:02 | 2025-02-07 21:22 | |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:03 | 2025-03-30 11:07 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-02 12:03 | 2025-03-30 11:08 |
Blocklist | 2025-01-02 12:04 | 2025-03-30 11:08 |
It's like if Poast couldn't commit to being Nazis, so instead of being edgy, it's just sad. It's still terrible, though. | 2025-01-02 12:04 | 2025-01-20 09:22 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:04 | 2025-03-30 11:08 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:04 | 2025-03-30 11:08 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:06 | 2025-03-30 11:10 |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2025-01-02 12:06 | 2025-02-18 04:23 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-02 12:08 | 2025-03-30 11:12 |
ungodly | 2025-01-02 12:09 | 2025-02-24 14:56 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:10 | 2025-03-30 11:14 |
None | 2025-01-02 12:11 | 2025-03-30 11:15 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:11 | 2025-03-01 04:12 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:13 | 2025-03-30 11:17 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:13 | 2025-03-30 11:17 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:13 | 2025-03-30 11:17 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:14 | 2025-03-30 11:18 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:14 | 2025-03-30 11:18 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:14 | 2025-03-30 11:18 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:14 | 2025-03-30 11:18 |
None | 2025-01-02 12:17 | 2025-03-30 11:21 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:17 | 2025-03-30 11:21 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:17 | 2025-03-30 11:22 |
2025-01-02 12:18 | 2025-03-30 11:22 | |
2025-01-02 12:18 | 2025-03-30 11:23 | |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2025-01-02 12:20 | 2025-02-18 23:43 |
Oliphant Tier 3 | 2025-01-02 12:23 | 2025-02-19 18:47 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:24 | 2025-03-30 11:28 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:24 | 2025-03-30 11:28 |
Hate speech, racism, violence | 2025-01-02 12:26 | 2025-03-16 17:32 |
2025-01-02 12:26 | 2025-03-30 11:31 | |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:27 | 2025-03-30 11:32 |
2025-01-02 12:30 | 2025-03-30 11:35 | |
2025-01-02 12:31 | 2025-03-30 11:35 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-02 12:33 | 2025-03-30 11:38 |
2025-01-02 12:33 | 2025-03-30 11:38 | |
2025-01-02 12:34 | 2025-03-30 11:40 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-02 12:35 | 2025-03-30 11:41 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-02 12:37 | 2025-03-30 11:42 |
[FediNuke] see | 2025-01-02 12:39 | 2025-01-31 21:38 |
2025-01-02 12:39 | 2025-03-30 11:44 | |
None | 2025-01-02 12:40 | 2025-03-30 11:44 |
None | 2025-01-03 05:20 | 2025-03-30 10:11 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:48 | 2025-03-30 11:45 |
None | 2025-01-03 06:49 | 2025-03-30 11:46 |
2025-01-03 06:51 | 2025-03-30 11:48 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-03 06:52 | 2025-03-30 11:49 |
2025-01-03 06:52 | 2025-03-30 11:49 | |
2025-01-03 06:53 | 2025-03-30 11:50 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-01-03 06:53 | 2025-03-30 11:50 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:53 | 2025-03-30 11:50 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:54 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:51 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:52 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:52 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:52 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:52 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:52 |
if: hate-speech; online-harassment | 2025-01-03 06:55 | 2025-03-30 11:52 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2025-01-07 22:22 | 2025-03-30 11:50 |
None | 2025-01-08 17:02 | 2025-03-30 11:49 |
hate speech | 2025-01-09 11:40 | 2025-03-30 11:26 |
Inappropriate content | 2025-01-11 22:01 | 2025-03-30 18:58 |
None | 2025-01-16 12:09 | 2025-03-15 23:06 |
alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment, racism; misogyny; ableism; homophobia; nazis; csa+4chan qanon stuff+Diskriminierung; Rassismus; free speech zone+; racismo; etc., Nazi stuff | 2025-01-18 01:41 | 2025-03-30 10:46 |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism, iftas:hate-speech;online-harassment | 2025-01-21 05:10 | 2025-03-30 11:48 |
2025-01-21 22:26 | 2025-03-10 09:47 | |
Pas de modération | 2025-01-25 08:30 | 2025-02-15 08:47 |
None | 2025-02-07 01:45 | 2025-03-30 09:56 |
Pornografische Darstellungen | 2025-03-01 23:29 | 2025-03-30 11:45 |
alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, hate-speech, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2025-03-03 09:04 | 2025-03-16 14:14 |
Pornografische Darstellungen | 2025-03-08 04:23 | 2025-03-19 13:42 |
Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
porn spam | 2023-03-07 19:15 | 2023-07-28 15:52 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:16 | 2025-03-30 17:52 |
fashism, harassment,adult content | 2023-03-07 19:19 | 2025-03-30 17:55 |
loli content | 2023-03-07 19:24 | 2025-03-30 18:00 |
헤이트 스피치 / 규칙 비호환 | 2023-03-07 19:36 | 2023-10-17 02:10 |
혐오발언 | 2023-03-07 19:37 | 2025-03-30 18:09 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:38 | 2025-03-30 18:11 |
None | 2023-03-07 19:39 | 2025-03-30 18:12 |
2023-03-07 19:41 | 2024-05-31 22:18 | |
fashism, harassment | 2023-03-07 19:47 | 2023-05-22 23:17 |
2023-03-07 19:47 | 2023-10-07 20:35 | |
None | 2023-03-07 20:10 | 2023-05-16 05:41 |
User report/blocklist consensus | 2023-03-07 20:15 | 2025-03-30 18:42 |
Hate speech | 2023-03-07 20:16 | 2025-03-30 18:43 |
Fascism, harassment | 2023-03-07 20:25 | 2025-03-30 18:51 |
2023-03-07 20:29 | 2024-09-14 04:59 | |
Lolicon, Trolling | 2023-03-07 20:32 | 2025-03-30 18:56 |
fascism, harassment | 2023-03-07 20:43 | 2023-04-26 18:11 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2025-03-30 19:06 |
adverse hellthread originator, lewd bots | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2023-04-21 23:15 |
None | 2023-03-07 20:52 | 2023-07-12 11:11 |
nazi shit | 2023-03-07 20:53 | 2025-03-30 19:15 |
autofollow with botting | 2023-03-07 20:59 | 2025-03-30 19:19 |
Большое количество ботов | 2023-03-07 21:04 | 2025-03-30 19:23 |
Desnudos (hentai) | 2023-03-07 21:22 | 2025-03-30 19:38 |
Inappropriate content | 2023-03-07 21:28 | 2025-03-30 19:45 |
None | 2023-03-07 21:30 | 2023-07-26 13:08 |
NSFW | 2023-03-07 21:33 | 2025-03-30 19:50 |
bad & good ppl here | 2023-03-07 21:33 | 2023-05-11 22:03 |
2023-03-07 21:47 | 2023-12-29 06:13 | |
2023-03-08 08:34 | 2024-08-05 23:54 | |
2023-03-08 22:04 | 2023-08-11 23:03 | |
2023-03-08 22:22 | 2025-03-30 23:15 | |
2023-03-08 22:57 | 2024-07-04 21:40 | |
Inappropriate Content | 2023-03-08 23:29 | 2025-03-31 00:21 |
None | 2023-03-09 00:37 | 2023-03-23 13:16 |
None | 2023-03-09 01:14 | 2025-03-31 01:50 |
autofollow with botting | 2023-03-09 02:02 | 2023-09-12 23:13 |
画像無断転載多発のため | 2023-03-21 13:15 | 2025-03-30 19:26 |
shitposter, hate speech | 2023-04-02 17:12 | 2025-03-30 20:06 |
2023-04-04 12:55 | 2024-01-13 02:09 | |
2023-04-13 06:50 | 2024-02-22 07:01 | |
Contenido inapropiado | 2023-04-21 06:52 | 2023-05-17 09:52 |
Lolicon, Desnudos, bots y flood. | 2023-04-21 09:32 | 2025-03-30 19:25 |
2023-04-22 05:48 | 2023-05-10 16:50 | |
2023-05-16 06:01 | 2024-11-12 20:05 | |
2023-05-22 23:28 | 2023-07-07 08:44 | |
pedophilia & pedo emojis | 2023-06-16 01:41 | 2023-12-09 07:50 |
2023-06-16 03:16 | 2023-06-30 09:21 | |
2023-06-16 03:39 | 2024-02-02 19:14 | |
None | 2023-06-29 00:03 | 2025-03-30 19:41 |
2023-07-01 16:27 | 2023-08-29 20:03 | |
2023-07-01 16:30 | 2023-07-29 08:07 | |
nsfw | 2023-07-02 09:54 | 2023-08-03 09:50 |
2023-07-02 23:16 | 2025-03-30 07:15 | |
규칙 비호환 | 2023-07-08 15:10 | 2025-03-30 18:10 |
n word | 2023-08-15 05:30 | 2023-09-29 03:13 |
2023-08-20 02:19 | 2024-05-30 22:42 | |
skill issue | 2023-08-20 02:42 | 2023-09-02 08:06 |
Seems to post lots of NSFW content, rejecting media and limiting. | 2023-08-20 17:07 | 2025-03-30 18:04 |
None | 2023-09-07 08:51 | 2025-03-30 19:27 |
Desnudos (hentai) | 2023-10-09 15:09 | 2025-03-30 09:31 |
Not blocked entirely because bots are nice | 2023-10-09 15:28 | 2025-03-30 09:49 |
2023-10-11 06:11 | 2024-01-21 02:41 | |
2023-10-11 06:29 | 2023-10-14 12:11 | |
2023-10-11 08:52 | 2023-12-22 23:20 | |
2023-10-11 11:04 | 2023-12-23 22:17 | |
2023-10-11 12:05 | 2023-12-07 13:19 | |
2023-10-11 12:46 | 2024-01-13 09:42 | |
2023-10-11 13:01 | 2023-12-24 20:15 | |
2023-10-11 14:03 | 2023-12-24 01:11 | |
2023-10-11 16:26 | 2023-12-27 14:38 | |
2023-10-11 16:35 | 2023-12-24 03:47 | |
2023-10-11 16:55 | 2024-02-16 12:16 | |
2023-10-11 17:13 | 2023-12-23 07:39 | |
2023-10-11 17:13 | 2024-01-13 14:31 | |
2023-10-11 18:02 | 2023-12-02 09:13 | |
2023-10-11 18:06 | 2024-03-27 17:41 | |
2023-10-11 18:26 | 2023-12-25 01:57 | |
2023-10-11 18:45 | 2023-12-06 17:09 | |
2023-10-11 19:10 | 2023-12-03 23:47 | |
2023-10-11 19:27 | 2023-12-02 10:26 | |
2023-10-11 19:37 | 2024-01-19 22:50 | |
2023-10-11 21:16 | 2024-01-29 21:06 | |
2023-10-11 21:19 | 2023-12-20 20:59 | |
2023-10-27 21:45 | 2023-11-17 10:24 | |
Incompatible moderation standards | 2023-10-28 20:08 | 2025-03-30 18:57 |
nsfw, generally inapporpiate; oliphant’s bl [p100] | 2023-10-31 07:35 | 2025-03-30 18:15 |
None | 2023-10-31 10:17 | 2025-03-30 20:54 |
None | 2023-10-31 10:17 | 2025-03-30 20:54 |
Alberto Camerini | 2023-11-27 12:41 | 2024-07-04 12:58 |
nsfw 이미지의 공개적인 게시 | 2023-12-28 01:26 | 2025-01-01 03:32 |
None | 2023-12-30 18:04 | 2025-03-30 18:04 |
2024-02-14 21:38 | 2025-03-30 19:27 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-06-12 00:45 | 2025-03-30 20:33 |
CSAM | 2024-08-19 22:57 | 2025-03-30 19:58 |
None | 2024-10-16 16:12 | 2025-03-30 19:57 |
2024-10-17 02:36 | 2025-03-30 05:58 | |
2024-10-17 02:47 | 2025-03-30 06:07 | |
2024-10-17 03:05 | 2025-03-30 06:23 | |
2024-10-22 11:40 | 2025-03-22 08:20 | |
2024-11-13 01:57 | 2025-03-31 00:17 | |
None | 2024-12-31 09:10 | 2025-03-30 18:08 |
Desnudos (hentai) | 2025-01-02 12:22 | 2025-03-30 11:26 |
None | 2025-01-03 06:53 | 2025-03-30 11:50 |
Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
Bad actors, poor tastes | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2023-04-10 15:55 |
some weirdos | 2023-03-07 19:25 | 2023-03-13 11:52 |
2023-03-07 19:26 | 2025-03-30 18:01 | |
NSFW | 2023-03-07 19:29 | 2023-05-27 19:04 |
Significant source of hate speech, racial slurs, and targeted harassment. | 2023-03-07 19:36 | 2023-03-15 12:01 |
Other | 2023-03-07 19:38 | 2024-08-16 15:11 |
adult content | 2023-03-07 19:41 | 2024-05-31 22:18 |
2023-03-07 19:43 | 2025-03-30 18:16 | |
Nazism, I might reject this one entirely if it becomes prevalent | 2023-03-07 19:54 | 2025-03-30 18:24 |
shitposting | 2023-03-07 20:04 | 2025-03-27 13:33 |
Channer | 2023-03-07 20:07 | 2024-10-10 14:40 |
bad takes I don't want to expose people to whom I introduce fedi to | 2023-03-07 20:14 | 2025-03-30 18:41 |
n/a | 2023-03-07 20:16 | 2023-12-16 05:43 |
potentially insensitive content | 2023-03-07 20:22 | 2023-05-05 05:52 |
bruh | 2023-03-07 20:23 | 2023-05-05 05:54 |
2023-03-07 20:34 | 2024-03-07 08:18 | |
being cringe | 2023-03-07 20:38 | 2023-03-30 03:38 |
2023-03-07 20:44 | 2023-03-08 13:53 | |
2023-03-07 21:03 | 2024-02-18 07:40 | |
2023-03-07 21:06 | 2024-08-30 06:30 | |
2023-03-07 21:06 | 2023-03-21 13:13 | |
too much porn | 2023-03-07 21:14 | 2023-12-21 23:34 |
2023-03-07 21:25 | 2023-07-07 09:22 | |
2023-03-07 21:29 | 2024-02-13 04:57 | |
2023-03-07 21:35 | 2023-04-16 03:55 | |
2023-03-07 21:42 | 2025-01-09 15:06 | |
suggestive content, imported from FBA | 2023-03-08 05:22 | 2024-10-29 09:27 |
2023-03-08 08:40 | 2024-01-15 23:34 | |
2023-03-08 08:52 | 2023-05-23 21:54 | |
500 block list - top 10 | 2023-03-09 00:30 | 2023-09-20 09:44 |
Spam | 2023-03-09 05:38 | 2025-03-25 05:40 |
A bit too edgy, also has a lot of bots and fetishy shit. | 2023-03-13 11:50 | 2025-03-30 17:58 |
2023-04-02 14:49 | 2025-03-30 17:48 | |
the same as | 2023-04-04 13:33 | 2025-03-30 19:30 |
porn | 2023-04-13 13:12 | 2023-06-18 23:02 |
2023-04-26 18:17 | 2023-06-05 11:30 | |
lude | 2023-04-29 20:46 | 2023-09-14 06:07 |
noise | 2023-05-16 06:56 | 2025-03-30 19:51 |
Too many bots | 2023-06-25 23:47 | 2023-08-07 08:51 |
2023-06-29 16:08 | 2025-01-21 07:00 | |
2023-07-17 05:53 | 2024-04-03 18:53 | |
Tasteless | 2023-07-31 13:55 | 2025-03-30 19:37 |
2023-10-23 14:51 | 2023-10-26 15:49 | |
Incompatible moderation standards | 2023-10-26 19:04 | 2023-10-28 01:00 |
Flamboyant edgelording | 2024-03-26 04:40 | 2025-03-30 10:06 |
2024-06-06 16:37 | 2025-02-06 23:34 | |
hate-speech, alt-right, anti-lgbtq, hate-associated, inappropriate, nazism, racism | 2024-06-12 00:44 | 2025-03-30 20:33 |
2024-09-05 02:55 | 2024-09-11 19:00 | |
2024-11-20 17:00 | 2024-11-20 17:00 |
Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
Bad actors | 2023-03-07 19:18 | 2024-07-12 23:55 |
2023-03-07 19:51 | 2025-03-30 13:22 | |
2023-03-08 08:44 | 2024-12-30 03:51 | |
2023-03-11 14:10 | 2023-12-01 04:21 | |
Admin's personal preferences | 2023-05-04 05:34 | 2025-03-30 19:32 |
discrimination | 歧视 | 2023-07-22 07:10 | 2025-03-30 19:55 |
Blocker | Accepted | Reason | First added | Last seen |
generalist instance with concerning objectionable views, 50% TOS overlap | 2023-03-07 20:22 | 2023-05-05 05:52 |
Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
objections to posted content, highly active instance | 2023-03-07 20:22 | 2023-05-05 05:52 |
potentially insensitive image sharing | 2023-03-07 20:44 | 2023-04-21 23:15 |
2023-03-08 08:40 | 2024-01-15 23:34 | |
2023-05-22 23:04 | 2023-10-26 18:49 | |
2023-05-23 21:41 | 2023-06-06 01:22 | |
Some users want to post their loli fetish | 2023-09-24 21:47 | 2025-03-30 17:22 |
lolicon, pedophilia, child pornography | 2024-07-26 02:28 | 2025-03-30 18:58 |
gooning | 2024-11-08 17:32 | 2025-03-30 17:36 |
2024-11-20 17:00 | 2024-11-20 17:00 |
Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
2023-03-07 20:28 | 2025-03-30 18:53 | |
NSFW content | 2023-03-07 21:18 | 2023-12-29 05:41 |
2023-03-08 08:40 | 2024-01-15 23:34 | |
hentai porn | 2023-03-13 13:22 | 2023-09-14 06:07 |
2023-03-21 12:49 | 2023-09-25 01:37 | |
Loli | 2023-06-25 23:47 | 2023-08-07 08:51 |
plz i have a day job :( | 2023-08-01 19:36 | 2023-08-28 04:17 |
2023-08-08 20:08 | 2025-03-30 07:52 | |
lude | 2023-09-13 05:58 | 2023-10-05 23:42 |
lude | 2023-09-13 06:02 | 2023-12-19 19:06 |
2023-10-22 04:56 | 2024-05-16 21:42 |
Blocker | Blocked | Reason | First added | Last seen |
2023-03-07 20:34 | 2024-03-07 08:18 |